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cia conspiracies

  1. Allen773

    The “CIA trafficked cocaine” CT...

    I don’t get the rationale on this one. Why do some folks insist on believing that the CIA directly trafficked in cocaine? After all, they certainly had drug traffickers on their payroll (Manuel Noriega being one infamous example), and obviously they funded people like the Contras and other...
  2. Allen773

    The "CIA is sponsoring Uyghur jihadists against China" thread.

    Since China has been in the global spotlight in recent months because of COViD-19, I thought that we might as well have a thread on the conspiracy theory in the thread title. From NPR, just this past December: https://www.npr.org/2019/12/06/785445079/china-reacts-to-uighur-bill
  3. Allen773

    The CIA struck a deal with the Saudis to monitor the hijackers and not tell the FBI?

    I’ve heard speculation of this nature from people like Richard Clarke and some angry FBI agents who remain bitter over the failure of the CIA to share critical information about two of the eventual hijackers, Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Midhar. The basic idea is that the CIA was covertly...
  4. Allen773

    Heroic author “discovers” that the CIA brainwashed Charles Manson and Jack Ruby

    According to the book linked below, Manson was (or may have been, JAQ!) a CIA CHAOS MKULTRA agent and he and his Family were brainwashed by the CIA as part of a systematic campaign to discredit the 60s counterculture and the American Left. Also according to the book, Jack Ruby’s memory was...
  5. geggy

    Who created al Qaeda?

    Operation Cyclone Operation Cyclone was the code name for the United States Central Intelligence Agency program to arm and finance the mujahideen, in Afghanistan from 1979 to 1989, prior to and during the military intervention by the USSR in support of its client, the Democratic Republic of...
  6. Oystein

    Game Over - we have a Death Bed Confession for WTC7!

    Three days ago at YouNewsWire.com - News. Truth. Unfiltered. CIA Agent Confesses On Deathbed: ‘We Blew Up WTC7 On 9/11’ I first spotted this at 911Blogger - although poster "wildbill" in my opinion is the second-sanest person there among those who still have posting privileges. Let's see...
  7. The Great Zaganza

    CIA assasination: Kim Jong Nam

    https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/north-korean-leaders-half-brother-killed-by-poison-in-malaysia-reports-claim/2017/02/14/7324f8c6-f2af-11e6-8d72-263470bf0401_story.html Today, Kim Jong Un's half-brother Kim Jong Nam was assassinated in an airport in Malaysia. I'll get the conspiracy...
  8. Allen773

    My own 9/11 CT: the CIA didn't inform the FBI of al Qaeda members entering the US...

    ...because if they had done so, the FBI would almost certainly have moved in to arrest them and have them prosecuted in the criminal justice system - just as they had already done so with Ramzi Yousef and most of the other men involved in the 1993 WTC bombing. "But wait a second, Allen -...
  9. Anders Lindman

    Edward Snowden Triple Agent

    Disclaimer: The following scenario may very well be more of Hollywood fiction than a realistic conspiracy theory. Edward Snowden as a triple agent, simultaneously mantling the following roles: 1. Ordinary spy working for CIA and NSA. "WASHINGTON — Edward J. Snowden says he was not merely a...
  10. Burning Beard

    ‘Deathbed testimony’ about UFOs given by former CIA official

    This popped up in my Facebook newsfeed this morning and I couldn't resist clicking on it to have a look. http://www.openminds.tv/deathbed-testimony-about-ufos-given-by-former-cia-official-video-1002/ And what's his name? "ANONYMOUS" Oh great. Another "smoking gun" for the UFO enthusiasts to...
  11. HoverBoarder

    CIA/Mossad Death Squads in Syria

    So the story goes from many on the pro-Assad side in the Syrian conflict, that just about everything you see concerning Syria in the media is a lie. It is all a giant CT to destabilize Syria to promote Western goals. According to the conspiracy theory on the issue, the whole conflict is due to...
  12. Jungle Jim

    Merged Ex CIA Agent: Roswell Really Happened

    Not particularly convincing, as these things go, but I thought I'd put it up for review. http://newsfeed.time.com/2012/07/11/roswell-really-happened-says-former-cia-agent/?hpt=hp_t2
  13. R

    The LBJ-CIA Assassination of JFK

    Hey, folks, here is my current take on the JFK assassination. Feel free to give me any feedback on what you think. This is essay is based on the cream of the cream of JFK research. I have been studying the JFK assassination pretty intensely for 4 years. If you would have asked me what I thought...
  14. michaelsuede

    NSA FOIA Document Claims We Have Received Messages From Space Aliens

    The NSA has recently released several files in accordance with a recent FOIA request, among them was a document stating we have received messages from space aliens. Original link to the document on NSA’s servers. Same document on my server in case they take it down. Interesting to say the...
  15. 9

    British Intelligence: Mossad carried out 9/11

    http://www.opinion-maker.org/2011/01/british-intelligence-reports/ Mossad ran 9/11 Arab "hijacker" terrorist operation By Wayne Madsen What did former Italian president Cossiga say again in 2007? http://physics911.net/pdf/corriere_08122007.pdf
  16. EatatJoes

    Obama was created by the CIA!!!!!!

    I have a friend who is a CT nut. He then drives me nuts. He has done "all the research" no doubt has scoured the interwebz for counter-points and has reasonably concluded that infowars is a good source of information. /sarcasm So, this is the latest "bombshell" that he decided to share. I...
  17. Kittyclaws

    CT from the 60s or Janis Ian's autobiography "Society's Child"

    I heard an excerpt from "Society's Child" that sounded like big time CT. She relates a story about walking in NYC in the 60s, being bumped hard enough to knock her down by a man in a suit who says she looks shaken and she should have his freshly opened Coke to raise her blood sugar. She takes...
  18. M

    Hopsicker calls for more investigative journalists

    Daniel Hopsicker, of madcowprod.com, who actually does original research of the gumshoe/investigative reporting type into 911, spoke recently at the New England Truth 9/11 Truth Symposium http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-513678522664580570&hl=en...
  19. B

    New Ford Introduction to Warren Commission Report: CIA Coverup?

    More conspiracy stuff bouncing around. For $889, you too can have a leather-bound copy of the Warren Commission, one of 52 lettered editions, inside "a solid walnut, laser engraved, wooden box which also contains artifacts from the Oak Tree and White Picket Fence from the 'Grassy Knoll!'" Wow...
  20. jhunter1163

    CIA Scam in Louisiana

    Words fail me... http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11497294/from/RS.5/

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