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carbon nanotubes

  1. Crazy Chainsaw

    What's the maximum theoretical Length of a carbon nano Tube?

    What would be the Maximum Length of a carbon nanotube, and could they be used to create a charged propulsion system, space Elevators and super batteries for electric cars?
  2. The_Animus

    MIT researchers discover new energy source

    http://www.cnn.com/2010/TECH/03/12/mit.research.electricity/index.html Uses carbon nanotubes to create a thermopower wave. Potential benefits include smaller batteries that are environmentaly friends and don't leak energy when not in use but still provide large amounts of power.
  3. h.g.Whiz

    Whizdom or Izdumb

    Whizdom or Izdumb Some carbon nanotubes can increase in both length and width when uniformly compressed. Could this material improve byicycle gears?

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