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campaign finance reform

  1. U

    Special Treatment for the NRA?

    My niece and nephew, being politically minded, posted this, which is how I found out about it. 4qTjv4D7byU I've been away from Maryland for over a decade now, but I didn't expect this kinda crap from them. From my new state of Arizona? Sure. Shame on Van Hollen.
  2. thaiboxerken

    Supreme Court unlevels the playing field

    AZ has a public campaign policy that gives public campaign candidates matching funds against their wealthier opponents. This makes it harder for people to just buy their position, like the former CEO's in California just did. Well, AZ used to have this policy until this week. The Roberts...
  3. Cynic

    Campaign Finance Reform (USA)

    I'm interested in discussing campaign finance reform. How do you all feel about he current state of existing law, what should change (and why!), and what issues factor into it? This discussion is very specifically about problems and solutions to United States campaign finance reform...
  4. Notrump

    Supreme Court Ruling on Corporate Advocacy

    Unfortunately some look upon Thursday’s Supreme Court ruling as a conservative/liberal issue. It’s not really. It’s an American issue, and will greatly affect our rights and freedoms as individual human beings, families and members of a greater community. Are corporations “persons”...
  5. M

    Corporate campaign ads starting this fall

    welcome to the plutacricy? Or something like that from Star Wars http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/01/21/supreme-court-sides-hillary-movie-filmmakers-campaign-money-dispute/ The ONE thing that every one seems to agree on in US politics - from the extreme left to the extreme right - is...
  6. I

    Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission

    So yesterday's Colbert Report dedicated two segments to this case, and I'd be lying if I said that their angle did not scare the crap out of me. The show's argument was that if the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Citizen's United (which seemed likely), it would rule that laws limiting campaign...
  7. F

    "We can ban books!"... Hope and Change (TM), coming your way!

    Recently the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, the latest in a series of challenges to the application of the McCain-Feingold Bipartisan Campaign Finance Reform Act (or, as I've taken to calling it, Johnny McCain's Magical Muzzle). Not...
  8. B

    McCain-Feingold is Dead

    I'm only surprised it took this long. It's just a matter of time before the rest of it crumbles.
  9. S

    BCRA (McCain-Feingold) bites the hand that fed it

    Well, after all of the steadfast denial about the horrible abrogation of our basic free speech and free press rights represented by the 2002 Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (aka McCain-Feingold), and after the Supreme Court ruling that ordinary schmoes don't have the same free press rights as NBC...
  10. RandFan

    Parts of Campaign Finance Law Struck Down

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