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  1. Drewbot

    Old Cryptozoology Article Scans

    I will be posting some scans of my Bigfoot/Cryptozoology articles i've collected over the last few years. These are for educational purposes only. Here is a scan I did of an Ivan Sanderson article. Tell me if it works, i am trying a new PDF hosting site. New Evidence of Abominable Snowman-...
  2. M

    The Ape Canyon "attack"

    Hi all. This is one of the most famous of the bigfoot stories. I have some questions on the media coverage. Was there any newspaper or magazine coverage when this happened ? I'm not sure about the timeline of when this story was revealed to the general public. I know bigfoot grifter Roger...
  3. Drewbot

    Sasquatch Video Archive on YT

    This looks to be a trove of video, some of which i've never seen. https://www.youtube.com/@TheSasquatchArchives/videos?view=0&sort=dd&shelf_id=0
  4. Drewbot

    Rant Mullens- Bigfoot's Creator

    I think Rant may deserve his own Bigfoot thread. Parcher has brought him up over the years, and I found a few posts that I tried to reply to , but the threads are closed. I recently bought the Sept. 1982 Omni Magazine And there was a short article about Rant Mullens creating the tracks over the...
  5. Gord_in_Toronto

    If Not Bigfoot then How about Littlefoot?

    Opinion: Another Species of Hominin May Still Be Alive https://www.the-scientist.com/magazine-issue/opinion-another-species-of-hominin-may-still-be-alive-69869 The evidence seems to be as strong as that for Bigfoots (or as weak). A body would be nice. Even some DNA?
  6. Cainkane1

    Bears are proof positive that Bigfoot doesn't exist.

    If Bigfoot existed these creatures would mooch like bears do in our National Parks. Very few animals in large parks like Yellowstone are afraid of humans so why should they be?
  7. Drewbot


    Lane County Bigfoot is a newer group of what looks like two people, operating in Lane County Oregon. They travel around the area looking for Bigfoot related items such as: PILES OF STICKS!! GRASS SCATTERED ON DIRT ROAD!! Here is a link to their Youtube videos...
  8. Gilbert Syndrome

    Dr. Jeffrey Meldrum - America's "Bigfoot Professor" - Part Deux

    Well, the man's reputation is as laughable as they come. A scientist who misuses his trade and bends the truth, hiding behind his tenure while peddling fraudulent evidence and supporting fraudulent claims. It's not BS questions you need to ignore when it comes to good ol' Jeff, it's BS...
  9. William Parcher

    California sued for denying existence of Bigfoot

    Bigfoot hunters sue state of California for denying existence of Sasquatch http://www.oregonlive.com/trending/2018/02/bigfoot_hunters_sue_state_of_c.html https://www.sbsun.com/2018/02/12/crestline-woman-says-she-saw-sasquatches-in-lake-arrowhead-sues-state-to-get-species-recognized
  10. Fast Eddie B

    Seen today in Blue Ridge, GA

  11. William Parcher

    Russian Hairball Mini Creature Hoax

    Here's a fun YouTube video showing some sort of animal in a Russian home. It seems to be dressed up in a long hair wig and walks around bipedally while on a string leash. It's likely to be a monkey in costume. The hand is shown in close-up and the nails are typical for monkeys, but seems...
  12. The Shrike

    Cont: The Valley of the Wood Apes, part 2

    So these wood apes? Not a thing. ABP - brilliant insight about drying out the birches! Love that deep wintergreen aroma of cut birch. I also love teaching greenhorns about chewing on birch twigs for that flavor. Thread continued from here. You may, of course, respond to any of the posts...
  13. LTC8K6

    Bigfoot Follies: part trois

    This is a continuation from the previous thread which can be found HERE. As always, the split point is arbitrary and participants are free to quote from the previous thread into this one. Well, there's really no way the site is any sort of secret, though. Anyone who wants to find the place...
  14. LTC8K6

    The PG Film - Bob Heironimus and Patty - Part III

    Continued from here. Titmus said that he walked along Bluff Creek and it's tributaries looking for the site, so the bank should not have been a factor for him. He also should have seen several other people's tracks.
  15. Travis

    What to do with a Bigfoot body?

    Indulge me for a second. Forget that Bigfoot makes no sense ecologically or physiologically. My question is simply more about the process of what we would do with a corpse of unique scientific value. Suppose a Forest Service worker finds a recently deceased Bigfoot in a National Forest. What...
  16. William Parcher

    Professor: Bigfoot exists, and science should care

    Professor: Bigfoot exists, and science should care http://www.times-standard.com/general-news/20160411/professor-bigfoot-exists-and-science-should-care Yippee! We have a physicist talking about zoology. He's in his native realm - not.
  17. William Parcher

    The Secret Lives of Bigfoot Hunters

    A well written article looking at Ranae Holland and Derek Randles with bits about Wally Hersom, Krantz, Meldrum and others and the cultural phenomenon of Bigfoot. The author does mislead when she talks about giant squid and jaguars. The Secret Lives of Bigfoot Hunters...
  18. OntarioSquatch

    The Mentality of Skeptics

    One of the things that's always fascinated me about people who call themselves "skeptics" is their reaction to the unknown. During my time here I've noticed that ambiguity can make these people very uneasy. The ability to tolerate ambiguity varies from person to person and apparently some people...
  19. HarryHenderson

    Bigfoot: The Patterson Gimlin Film - Part 5

    At one time I probably could have been convinced to bet serious money those two pictures are of the same ******* suit. ;) This is a continuation thread from Bigfoot: The Patterson Gimmlin Film - Part 4
  20. OntarioSquatch

    Top 5 Skeptical Fallacies

    There was a post like this made on another forum, but since I can't re-post the content, I'm posting a new version. The examples shown here can apply to any cryptid, not just Bigfoot. Top 5 Skeptical Fallacies 1) Appeal to Ignorance "After thousands of years of being on the continent, we...

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