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big bang

  1. Chanakya

    Question about Expanding Universe

    Two questions, actually: (1) Sure, the universe's expanding. But then we're part of that expansion, right? That is, our bodies too are expanding, aren't they? The distances/space between our cells, and therefore the size of our bodies, and also the size of our telescopes and whatnot? Does...
  2. William Parcher

    Hawking's final research paper is published

    Stephen Hawking's final research paper has been published, and it's mind-bending Some other media headlines are saying that it means that the universe is not infinite and that it is more simple than complex. Or something like that...
  3. R

    Entropy and the Big Bang

    It seems that an important question in physics is "why did the universe start in a state of low entropy?". I'd like to ask a related question: given an expanding universe, is there a relationship between density and entropy? The early universe was in a state of high density and high...
  4. F

    Neurosurgeon Ben Carson on the Big Bang

    According to a recent (today) posting, Ben Carson, well known ******* and republicker, had something to say about his problem with the Big Bang: he says that he cannot/does not believe that big explosion could have happened because it obviously would have destroyed the Earth. This is not med...
  5. progressquest

    No Big Bang? Quantum equation predicts universe has no beginning

    http://phys.org/news/2015-02-big-quantum-equation-universe.html I haven't seen anything on this yet. Can someone explain how "[u]sing the quantum-corrected Raychaudhuri equation" eliminates the big bang? Can you also use small words? Thank you.
  6. V

    The Pope declares evolution and the Big Bang real!

    The current Pope has shown himself to be a quite rational, deep-thinking sort of person, whose views on science and the scientific process I admire. Recently he said: “When we read about Creation in Genesis, we run the risk of imagining God was a magician, with a magic wand and able to do...
  7. mikeb768

    Majority of Scientist agree with Islamic view of the Universe

    Although the verses have been confirmed they remain malcontent, But why such aversion to what has been sent? If naught had come down then this day would be unjust, But with the revelation thereof the event is must. Those willfully ignorant will speak “Who has woken us from our sleep”, While...
  8. DeathDart

    Halton Arp The Silence of HST is Deafening

    The Quasar is said to be a very distant object with an incredible energy output. Halton Arp appears to have evidence supporting a view that Quasars are expelled by Active Galactic Nuclei AGN. The Hubble Space Telescope HST could take excellent images of Arp's anomalies and put the matter to...
  9. EternalSceptic

    distant galaxies, the big bang and relativity

    Hi all, Yesterday an idea sprang into my mind, while i was lurking through the NASA sites. Hubble detected several very distant galaxies and supernovae in a distance between 8 and 12 billion lightyears and that raised the following question in my mind: According to NASA, at least one of these...
  10. P

    How dependent is the Universe on initial conditions?

    I just finished watching George Smoot's TED talk on the Design of the Universe. In it, he says that "tiny fluctuations" in the otherwise smooth distribution of matter were ultimately responsible for the structure we see in the universe. My understanding is that those fluctuations are the...
  11. godofpie

    Big Bang Re-Created and We Didn't Destroy Ourselves...Yet!~

    I know that there a lot of LHC threads but I thought this news deserved it's own. http://www.astronomy.com/en/News-Observing/News/2010/11/Large%20Hadron%20Collider%20achieves%20first%20lead%20ion%20collisions.aspx Pretty cool, huh?
  12. shadron

    Lambda - Cold, Dark Matter - A Theory.

    This has, almost surely, been answered somewhere in thei forum in the last two years, but as everyone kno0ws, the noise in cosmology and astrphysics is abnormally high, and so I'd like to seek a specific answer from our panel of experts. For those who don't know about it already, the Cassiopeia...
  13. mummymonkey

    Why is the universe different?

    I was re-reading Cosmos the other day and was looking at a picture of a spiral galaxy. Right next to it was a picture of a similar galaxy that had a bar right across it. I wondered how there came to be different kinds of galaxies. Why aren't they all the same? So I reasoned the conditions in...
  14. W

    Merged LHC has its first high energy collisions! 7 TeV

    LHC has now had its first real high energy collisions at 7 TeV. http://public.web.cern.ch/public/ And Earth survives! :D Now the anti lhc people will really look foolish.
  15. J

    A Question About the Size of the Universe...

    Hello, I am a long-time fan of Mr. Randi but new to posting on these forums. In fact, it's my first time so please be gentle. Anyways, I have a question that some of you critical thinkers might be able to help me with: If the universe is about 156 billion light-years across (NASA.com), would...
  16. ynot

    Stationary Centre of Universe Defined?

    If the Universe uniformly expanded from a very small singularity doesn't that mean that the original position of the singularity defines a centre point of the Universe that is absolutely/Universally stationary?
  17. P

    opposite of a photon

    Some years ago I read The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene, and in that book he laid out a way of thinking about relativity that made things click for me like no other explanation had before. Professor Greene wrote that any object, particle, or photon, is always moving at the speed of light...
  18. S

    Holes in Big Bang

    I thought this would be interesting to recite. I was just reading this article by Doctor Cramer http://www.npl.washington.edu/AV/altvw141.html It reminded me of this exciting news: http://www.internationalreporter.com/News-2566/massive-hole-in-the-universe-billion-light-years-away.html I...
  19. S

    God and Quantum Mechanics

    It was once decided that whilst this essay had been rooted in physics, it was generally philosophical and perhaps a religious essay, designed to explore the relationships between modern mythology and traditional understandings, with those of quantum mechanics. This essay talks about whether...
  20. C

    How does the CMB support the Big Bang?

    I was recently watching The Universe on the History Channel, and they mentioned the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation. Sepcifically, they said how it was the largest piece of evidence in supporting the Big Bang theory. My question is: How? The show briefly explained that it was the left...

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