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bentham journals

  1. JamesB

    The Rigorous Standards of Open Journals.

    Already posted this on the ole blog, but thought some of you might find this interesting. http://www.sciencemag.org/content/342/6154/60.full And to save you the trouble of looking, yes, the only Bentham Journal queried fell for the scam. bio0026.doc accepted http://www.benthamscience.com...
  2. M

    The Open Chemical Physics Journal ? Disappeared...

    http://www.bentham.org/open/a-z.htm Does Harrit's article exist again? :)
  3. grandmastershek

    2nd Open Chemical Physics Editor in Chief Resigns

    "...in no way do i agree with its conclusions. In fact i do not even know how the paper's peer reviewing was handled - or if it was reviewed at all. The journal never wanted to disclosed this matter to me...What may be even worse - noone seems to be at the helm of this Journal. Months ago...
  4. cmatrix

    Why the Harrit Nano-thermite paper has not yet been debunked

    Many "debunkers" maintain the erroneous belief that the April paper by Harrit et al. has been debunked. This paper of course is entitled "Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe" and was published in the The Open Chemical Physics Journal on April...
  5. alienentity

    Bentham OA spam techniques, nonexistent peer review

    The subject of Bentham's came up again on another thread, so I did a bit more research into professional objections to its spamming scientists. I discovered that not only have scientists received unwanted solicitations from Bentham's, but that they are even encouraged to submit in journals...
  6. alienentity

    Another Bentham Editor Resigns

    'Bambang Parmanto, a University of Pittsburgh information scientist, resigned from his editorship at The Open Information Science Journal (TOISCIJ) after reading a story on The Scientist's website yesterday (June 10) that described a hoax paper submission to the journal. Editors at journal...
  7. The Big Dog

    Merged Thread to Discuss The Excellent Analysis of Jones latest paper

    JREF member Sunstealer has done a very credible job in discussing the article recently paid for by Professor Jones. Notably, this technical analysis is based on the data published in the article itself. It is located here...

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