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  1. The_Animus

    MIT researchers discover new energy source

    http://www.cnn.com/2010/TECH/03/12/mit.research.electricity/index.html Uses carbon nanotubes to create a thermopower wave. Potential benefits include smaller batteries that are environmentaly friends and don't leak energy when not in use but still provide large amounts of power.
  2. P

    H20 battery questions...

    I've seen a few people on TV/internet talking about the "H20 Battery" which they say can run low powered items such as clocks etc for a couple of months on nothing more than tap water. http://uk.gizmodo.com/2005/11/14/waterpowered_clock_for_hippies.html At first my bullsh*t radar went off the...
  3. Filippo Lippi

    Two battery powered clocks stopping at the same time

    On another forum a correspondent reports "Woke up this morning and saw our bedroom alarm clock had stopped at 4.40 so I went into the kitchen to get a new battery and the kitchen clock had stopped at the exact same time. Neither of them needed their batteries changing in the end, they're both...
  4. ChrisC

    Battery Test - from 'Power Cords...' thread

    I've finally tried alkaline vs carbon-zinc batteries in an effects box. My quick and dirty test was as follows: All batteries were brand new and had very close best before dates. Battery 'A' and Battery 'B' were selectable via a dpdt switch so I could switch them and listen for a difference. A...
  5. B

    Ben's Battery

    Why is it "WRONG"? The negatively charged electrons exit from the negative terminal. Sounds okay to me. Anyone? thanks, BillyJoe PS: My welcome message tells me I last entered the forum on 16th Dec! Has it really been that long? (I've kept reading the Commentary though.)
  6. J

    Paranormal Battery box

    I have a plastic battery box with an on-off switch. It can hold 4 AA size 1.5V batteries to give a 6V voltage source. I placed some batteries in it. These are not new batteries. When I turn it on and measure it with a digtal multimeter, it shows around 4.4V. When I turn off the switch, it...
  7. L

    Personal Nuclear Power: New Battery Lasts 12 Years

  8. Matabiri

    G4 Powerbook Battery

    I seem to have a problem with my two-and-a-half-year-old Powerbook battery - it charges to ~34%, and then stops (sometimes the reading jumps directly to 100% at this point). I'm not getting anything like the battery life I'd expect, obviously. Are there any utilities for refreshing the battery...
  9. marting

    Rechargable Battery Breakthrough?

    Toshiba announced a new Lithium cell today with awesome capabilities. Here are a few that caught my attention: Toshiba Battery PR Tiny, 600 mah cell with extremely low internal resistance. 1: Can be recharged to 80% capacity in one minute! Can be fully recharged in a few more minutes. 2...
  10. Skeptical Greg

    I've heard of making a battery out of a potato, but.....?

    German Police Investigate Potato Computer Scam I don't think you could get away with this at BestBuy...

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