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barack obama

  1. michael44

    Barrack Obama's 60th Birthday party

    I know, i'm not one to post much, yet have done so in round about ways not always liken to the topic at hand. Please forgive. So there's been much discourse surrounding Barrack Obama's 60th Birthday party, whereas one crowd cited it was nothing short of a mask-less crowd of elitists thumbing...
  2. Allen773

    Should President Barack Obama be “canceled” because of e.g. his droning of civilians?

    I, for one, find America’s 44th President’s use of drone warfare deeply problematic and so I think he should be erased from American history.
  3. Crazy Chainsaw

    Did Putin Interfere in the 2008 Election on Behalf of Barrack Obama?

    Did Putin Fear John McCain so much that they used me to save Jerome Corsi, knowing he would try to smear Barrack Obama, or Clinton and that would Keep McCain from winning the vote in 2008. Here is the way I see this Arguement. [A.] Russian TV monitors this forum and found out that Dr. Steven...
  4. Graham2001

    Barak Obama is a Republican...

    Why, because only a member of the Republican Party would say something like this... https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-50239261
  5. shemp

    Obama was born in Kenya!!!11!111!!!1 I has the evidences!!1!1!!11!!!

    First, the link to the evidences: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/brigid-kosgei-marathon-kenyan-runner-shatters-womens-world-record-at-chicago-marathon-today-2019-10-13/ And now, THE EVIDENCES: AND: AND FINALLY: There can be no doubts about it now! Everything must be rolled back to the way...
  6. Ladewig

    “President Obama, It was you.” A 33-point essay asserting Pres. Obama is a Muslim

    I have been asked to rebut this nonsense reposted by radio personality Mike Gallagher. https://www.truthorfiction.com/mike-gallaghers-president-obama-it-was-you-essay/ I cannot find a single source that addresses this list. My Google-fu is not strong. Is there a site that addresses these...
  7. theprestige

    Barack Obama: "Unlike some people *cough*Michelle Obama*cough*...

    ... I write my own books." Not a direct quote. The writing has been going more slowly than he’d expected, and according to several people who have spoken with him, the 44th president is feeling competitive with his wife, whose own book, Becoming, was the biggest release of 2018 and is on track...
  8. Brainster

    Obama Official Portrait Controversy

    Kind of surprised there's no thread on this yet. I put it in social issues & current events because I hope we can confine the discussion to the portraits themselves. You can get a decent look at both pictures here. As portraits go, these are certainly non-traditional. Barack is sitting in a...
  9. Hercules56

    President Obama's legacy is strong & holding

    President Obama accomplished a lot of great things, and many great things happened in America during his administration. Most of these things have been preserved by Trump and are likely to stay strong. These accomplishments are: -the ACA/Obamacare -FDA regulatory authority over tobacco...
  10. A

    Do you mind if we borrow Obama for a few years ?

    Some joker in France have put 500 posters to ask Obama as president of France. http://us.cnn.com/2017/02/24/europe/france-obama-17-president-trnd/index.html Normally I would laugh, but seeing the grim list of candidate we'll have... I can't help to think he would be IMO the best of the crop.
  11. Arcade22

    Historians: Obama 12th best President

    Folks please note this has been moved to the "History..." section. http://www.politico.com/story/2017/02/all-time-best-president-united-states-rankings-235149 Compared to Trump Obama comes off as very moderate and conservative indeed. Despite Republican's trying portray him as being "leftist"...
  12. S

    Obama Weighs In

    Well, that didn't take long. Obama's actually had vacations in Hawaii that lasted longer than his respectful silence on his successor's policies. 11 days. That's it. George W. Bush has kept his mouth shut for over 8 years now, and Obama lasted 11 days. And when he opens is yap, he even...
  13. S

    SNL Tribute to Obama

    Truly one of the funniest things I've ever seen on Saturday Night Live. It had me laughing until I retched. Or maybe it was retching until I laughed: 31ETEUsWhdo Of course that wasn't the only funny thing that happened yesterday. The million sore loser march was pretty funny too.
  14. Reheat

    Obama's Legacy

    This is an excellent analysis of Obama's legacy in spite of the spin from his eloquent mouth. The only legacy he can claim is that he was the first Black President. Anything further than that is pure political spin. Some of the unilateral actions he claims will be undone in the coming weeks...
  15. A

    Obama commutes Chelsea Manning sentence.

    May 17 release date. Thank God, figuratively. This is one sorry chapter in America. A step in the right direction.
  16. varwoche

    "Obama was a Muslim during his youth"

    I'm breaking this out to a new thread in order for logger to support his claim without derailing. No more whack-a-mole. Please present specific evidence that addresses this claim. I hope people will hold off a while on posting counter evidence, and wait for logger to post his evidence first. TIA.
  17. Hercules56

    Recess appointment of Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court?

    The Republicans made believe that we cannot have the President nominate anyone for the Supreme Court during his last year in office. There is no precedent for this. Several Supreme Court Justices have been nominated and approved by the Senate during a President's last year in office, several...
  18. Jim_MDP

    The Oprah/Michelle interview looks damned good...

    It's on but I'll set it to DVR (it's on through Mon. I think) because it looks recordable just from the few minutes I've seen. I don't care for Oprah, and see little of Michelle... but already they're throwing up clips of unique, meaningful White House events and moments that are due to her...
  19. The Atheist

    What will Obama's retaliation against Russia be?

    Obama has vowed to retaliate against Russia for their interference in the election. What form will that retaliation take?
  20. cullennz

    Geezes Obama is a good speaker

    I'd actually forgotten. Saw him promoting Clinton. Mostly ad lib. Dudes a walking machine. Just had that charisma thing mixed with intelligent points. Better even than Bill I think. He will not be a poor man after the election

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