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  1. L

    Agnosticism = Gateway Drug to Self-Righteousness

    Agnosticism = Gateway Drug to Self-Righteous Secular-Theism Agnosticism is an egregious delusion... it is a gateway drug to the self-righteousness drug of secular-theism. In 2023, no sane rational educated functioning human can conscientiously maintain belief in the biblical turpitude. So...
  2. Fast Eddie B

    Are there atheists in hell?

    Karen and I were driving on US11 west of Knoxville today. I noticed a lady pull up to a church sign at the Church of Niota, and thought the sign read “THERE ARE NO ATHEISTS IN HELL”. Seemed an odd thing to put on a church sign. We turned around to verify that’s what I had seen, but by the time...
  3. zooterkin

    Satanic Temple counters anti-abortion regulations

    This seems to be an interesting tactic, to counter the interference by some religious groups in medical decisions by the use of the same regulations that allow that interference. (They also campaign to have statues of Baphoment erected authorities have put up the 10 Commandments on state...
  4. Minoosh

    What if your life (seems) to go better with prayer?

    I have used prayer before and never was seeking "comfort" or asking for a certain outcome. Rather for something like a boost in some kind of strength, insight or institution. For my purposes, it doesn't really matter if God exists. I just know that if I use it this way, it seems to alter my...
  5. Scorpion

    Are atheists too complacent?

    Atheists seem to assume that people who believe in God and an afterlife are mentally weak and gullible. Thereby assuming intellectual superiority over them. But have they considered what it means to really believe you are answerable to a higher power in everything you do? Is it not easier and...
  6. D

    Therapist says if you're an atheist you should lie to your kids about God.

    The therapist in the below cited article believes that if you don't believe in God or heaven you should lie to your kids (about God) to promote better mental health. From an article in the Christian Post by Leonardo Blair "...I am often asked by parents, ‘How do I talk to my child about death...
  7. Thor 2

    Atheism - Obvious Default?

    Clive James has died.:( Clive amused us with comments like: "advertising agencies for a product that doesn't exist" when describing religions, and saw atheism as the obvious default position to take. Hard to argue against this presumption I think, given that children raised without being...
  8. blutoski

    Guardian: I was an astrologer – here's how it really works, and why I had to stop

    Guardian article about astrology submitted for general interest to members of the forum. Link: [I was an astrologer – here's how it really works, and why I had to stop] Excerpt:
  9. Scorpion

    Are atheists inevitably pessimists?

    Having no underlying spiritual beliefs to mitigate suffering, are atheists inevitably seeing the world through a glass darkly? "For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known." 1 Corinthians 13:12
  10. Skeptic Ginger

    Hawking says there are no gods

    Stephen Hawking's Final Book Says There's 'No Possibility' of God in Our Universe
  11. The Big Dog

    Atheists destroy churches, attack the faithful

    State Sponsored atheism rears its ugly head again. https://www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/world/asia_pacific/group-officials-destroying-crosses-burning-bibles-in-china/2018/09/10/55d68366-b4af-11e8-ae4f-2c1439c96d79_story.html Appalling.
  12. MrFliop

    What I dislike about modern atheism

    I am an atheist because I know its common sense that if there's zero proof of something there's no reason to believe its true. Therefore since I have yet to see any serious evidence for any deity's existence I have no reason to believe in any god. I'm glad that atheism is no on the rise but it...
  13. ynot

    Define “Atheist”

    This thread is for the exclusive purpose of debating the meaning of the word “atheist”. It isn’t for debating other words like “agnostic”. Please don’t derail this thread. Here’s my current definition of “atheist”. I’m happy to change it if anyone comes up with a better one. An atheist is a...
  14. ynot

    Is your atheism predominately a science success or a theism fail?

    Theists often defend their god beliefs by attacking science with silly comments like - “Science doesn’t know everything, Science isn’t always right, Science can’t explain love”, etc. My response is usually - “So what? I’m an atheist mainly because theism has failed to convince me any god exists...
  15. Autolite

    A Humbling Journey: Theism to Atheism...

  16. C

    Activist Atheist divided regarding criticism of Islam

    From my impression of many activist atheists (meaning actively engaged in political and/or philosophical debates/struggles) are fine with anything goes against many religions, especially Christianity. For example, there were some atheists who publically implied that the god of the bible would...
  17. The Big Dog

    Atheists thought immoral, even by fellow atheists: study

    Here is a summary of an interesting new study that reveals that Atheists thought immoral, even by fellow atheists. And it revealed that "atheists are broadly perceived as potentially morally depraved and dangerous." The study measured the attitudes of more than 3,000 people in 13 countries on...
  18. acbytesla

    Best way to lose faith is to read the Bible

    I was raised in the church. I went to Sunday School and services every Sunday. I went to Vacation Bible School in the summer and Bible camp as a teenager. I was involved in church activities all the way through college. But in all that time I doubt I had read more than a few chapters/books...
  19. Loss Leader

    What Would You Recommend For The Curious Theist?

    I recently struck up a conversation on Facebook with an old high school friend. She spent 15 years on a mission in Thailand and works in personnel for the missionary group now in Colorado. She has four great kids (only 1 under 18), wonderful husband and is an all-around swell person...
  20. I Am The Scum

    Common Bad Beliefs Among Atheists?

    I'm curious if any of the posters here (atheist or otherwise) would like to address any bad ideas that are common among nonbelievers. Here's my (least) favorite: You can't reason someone out of what they did not reason themselves into. I don't think I've ever heard a single non-atheist repeat...
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