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artificial intelligence

  1. Orphia Nay

    The Dead Internet Theory

    The Dead Internet Theory. Mostly true or mostly false? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_Internet_theory
  2. Minoosh

    When did I agree to this? AI invades iPhone

    It started when I accidentally hit "add a caption" to a picture on my phone. It produced my image, only with my dachshund's body outlined and identified as a dachshund. So photo recognition software is going into my photos and identifying things, great. (I wonder how it would react to human...
  3. Puppycow

    Merged Artificial Intelligence

    I think we need a general thread on the topic. There are some others but they are narrower in scope. Google claims new Gemini AI 'thinks more carefully' So, a number of interesting claims here. 1) The new AI can "outperform human experts in a range of intelligence tests" 2) It can also...
  4. Gord_in_Toronto

    Are We Alone? - AI Will Tell Us

    The Biggest Questions: Are we alone in the universe? Just add in AI.
  5. Puppycow

    Robots taking people’s jobs—examples

    World's First AI-Powered Humanoid Robot CEO Enters the Boardroom OK, I know. I’m not that gullible. This is clearly a gimmick. I’m sure that if someone were to examine the company charter and whatever legal documents define who the actual decision-maker(s) are, they would find that the robot...
  6. The Atheist

    Jobs That AI Will Replace. Very Soon!

    Now that the propellor-heads have got AI to the point where it "thinks" sufficiently like a human to be useful, it's going to have an impact on the workforce much greater than robotics. The fun thing is, instead of forcing the layoff of millions of blue-collar workers, AI is going to take...
  7. R


    I've been seeing a lot about the new ChatGPT and it seems pretty impressive. Here's the website: https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt/ Currently it's free to use, so you can play around with it. Here's a fun example of it's responses to some questions...
  8. Cheetah

    Can an AI create art?

    OpenAI Dall-E: Two Minute Papers explains: X3_LD3R_Ygs A guy named Ben Barry got Dall-e to create a series of paintings of robots in different styles. He published the results in a free book: 1111101000-Robots
  9. AmyStrange

    Iconary: A pictionary-like game to improve the communication skills of AI agents

    - -
  10. Bikewer

    Worried about Artificial Intelligence?

    This article in The Guardian says it’s already here: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/dec/25/worried-about-super-intelligent-machines-they-are-already-here In the form of huge corporations. The fellow profiled maintains that big corporations (like Facebook) employ thousands of...
  11. Gord_in_Toronto

    AI Helping Mathematicians

    Maths researchers hail breakthrough in applications of artificial intelligence https://phys.org/news/2021-12-maths-hail-breakthrough-applications-artificial.html (Emphasis mine.) Slowly. Slowly. The computers are taking over. ;)
  12. Gord_in_Toronto

    Artificial “Brain” Reveals Explains Some Perplexing Optical Illusions

    Researchers reproduced reverse-phi motion in the MotionNet system https://scitechdaily.com/artificial-brain-reveals-why-we-cant-always-believe-our-eyes-and-explains-some-perplexing-optical-illusions/ Furthering our understanding of the workings of the brain. :cool:
  13. Gord_in_Toronto

    AI Advice-- Not ready for Prime Time?

    Scientists Built an AI to Give Ethical Advice, But It Turned Out Super Racist https://futurism.com/delphi-ai-ethics-racist One day it will work -- but not yet? Maybe the problem is that there are no answers? That morality truly is subjective?
  14. Butter!

    Help Me Understand This Comment

    I was surfing r/nosurf on Reddit, hoping to break the universe, when I happened upon a comment that I found supremely interesting. However, because I don't understand the technical subject matter very well at all, I can't tell if the person is crazy, how intrigued I should be, how to look up...
  15. Gord_in_Toronto

    The Biases of AI

    Here's an interesting project. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/20/arts/design/imagenet-trevor-paglen-ai-facial-recognition.html The page is here: https://imagenet-roulette.paglen.com/ I tried a few photos I had of myself and it appears the White Male Privilege certainly works. My results...
  16. William Parcher

    Artificial Intelligence thinks mushroom is a pretzel

    The mushroom that AI thinks is a pretzel https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-49084796 Of course AI doesn't "think" that a mushroom is a pretzel because it doesn't think anything and it has no intelligence. Further, AI doesn't understand what it means to be wrong and that there are...
  17. barehl

    Of Prognostications and AI

    I recently read this Wired story The AI Cold War That Threatens Us All. It sounds very dire. The author tries to make the case that the US and China's positions in AI are like the cold war between the US and the Soviet Union. I see some problems with this conclusion though. First of all, I'm...
  18. Darat

    Eye Disease- Artificial intelligence 'did not miss a single urgent case'

    Artificial intelligence 'did not miss a single urgent case' Another nail in the coffin of unskilled but information deep jobs. They'll be coming for you soon!
  19. Puppycow

    Turing Test passed over the phone

    https://ai.googleblog.com/2018/05/duplex-ai-system-for-natural-conversation.html The system is called Google Duplex. It can talk like an actual person. It does not sound like a robot. The people on the other end of the phone are by all indications unaware that they are talking to a robot...
  20. William Parcher

    LG's new AI robot repeatedly fails during debut

    CES 2018: LG robot Cloi repeatedly fails on stage at unveil http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-42614281

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