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  1. D

    Teach a 5-year-old what a virus is

    This Easter weekend we had another one of those Trump moments where you think to yourself: Is this the dumbest man alive? Why does he pretend to know stuff when he makes it so obvious to (almost) everybody that he doesn't? 49 sec:"The germ has gotten brilliant" Donald Trump llL_9dLKb3c He is...
  2. blutoski

    Analysis: The antibiotic course has had its day

    Article in BMJ, submitted for your information, no question from me is attached. Title: Analysis: The antibiotic course has had its day Summary: URL: [The antibiotic course has had its day] Blutoskitorial: I'm going to level with you: I feel like it's opposite day.
  3. V

    Antibiotics, bacteria, resistance & inherited traits

    This paragraph is from an article on Shigellosis, an intestinal infection which is causing some concern in the US at the moment: Drug resistance develops when bacteria comes into contact with antibiotics at doses that are too low to kill them. When that happens, bacteria adapts to the drug and...
  4. F

    So, last week on The Daily Show (antibiotics)

    Jon spoke with a guest who recently wrote about new potential directions for drug research - specifically targeted drugs for specific bacteria. Jon even mentioned use of genome research re:targeting and author went with it. Fortunately, Derek has some comments on why this is not quite the...
  5. sophia8

    "Drugs that cure are not profitable"

    Another Big Pharma Conspiracy rant, I'm afraid. The reason I've posted it here and not in the Conspiracy forum is becuase I'm interested in one specific point: I know about antibiotic-resistant tuberculosis bacilli; but I just don't believe they've really stopped trying to produce new...
  6. M

    Doctors told to stop prescribing antibiotics for coughs and colds

    "Experts at the influential centre, based in Stockholm which is focused on controlling infectious diseases in Europe, say the prescription of the pills, which are not necessary in most cases, is fuelling the rise in the number of infections that are resistant to antibiotics."...
  7. Skeptic Ginger

    Medical error rant

    Sadly a young man just died up at Western WA University of MRSA pneumonia. That is not the error I am ranting about but there are implications involved. A few weeks back my son got an antibiotic for acne, Doxycycline, at the university's student health clinic. He said it didn't seem to be...
  8. Mephisto

    This Should Alarm YOU!

    For those of you who don't know, I had a severe bicycle accident on August 5th. I had a compound fracture of my right clavicle, two broken ribs, a pneumothorax and a broken right wrist. I've healed fairly well, considering, but the two pins in my wrist became infected after my first visit to...
  9. T

    Publix to offer free Rx antibiotics...(to all)

    Article here Step 1: Give away antibiotics.....Step 3: Take over the world! This appears to be a really great move. Give away inexpensive Rxs, and bring people into the store who may have otherwise gone to another pharmacy. While there, "hey why not pick up some x, and I could use some y...
  10. Beerina

    Losing the Battle vs. Infectious Disease?

    Yesterday I read an article where someone (possibly in the CDC) was claiming we were "losing the battle" vs. infectious diseases, meaning things like tuberculosis were out-evolving humanity's ability to produce new antibiotics. (Sorry, I don't have a link.) But this got me thinking. Are we...
  11. ysabella

    "Why Antibiotics and Antivirals Fail"

    Someone on a nutrition/diet board posted this link: "Why Antibiotics and Antivirals Fail" It mentions some scientific things, in a muddled way, but then it goes into a sales pitch for a product called Super ViraGon. I went through and replied to this, but I would love any additional notes...
  12. HeyLeroy

    Are Antibiotics Killing Us?

    Are Antibiotics Killing Us?
  13. Antiquehunter

    A question for JREF doctors re: Antibiotics

    Living in Kabul, one occasionally suffers from 'Kabul Belly' - or a general nasty G-I 'issue' with cholera-like symptoms. When I first contracted this, I went through the suffering of seeing an army doctor on the US Base (As a Canadian civilian - this took some wheedling) and was prescribed...
  14. A

    Slimy antibiotics

    http://www.cnn.com/2003/HEALTH/02/27/scotland.bacteria/index.html Bacteria found in Scottish rockpools produce antibiotics which are effective against "the notorious hospital superbug, MRSA (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus.)" I hope it pans out, because drug resistance in...

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