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    When we moved to Xenfora some of the signature options didn't come over. In the old software signatures were limited by a character limit, on Xenfora there are more options and there is a character number and number of lines limit. I've set maximum number of lines to 4 and unlimited characters.


  1. shadron

    The Killer Algae

    Here's an interesting conundrum. I happened across a BBC Horizon documentary dated 2001 entitled, "The Killer Algae". eGcpjeuHvBQ It unrolls as a mystery story, with lots of creepy music, creepy CG and and hyperbole from the instigator of the plot, one Alexandre Meinesz. He dived in the...
  2. Bob Blaylock

    A World of Life in a Drop of Water — My Father's Microscope

    When my father passed away in December, I inherited, among other things, his microscope. Lately, I've been going out and collecting bits of gutter water, moss, lichen, and such; mixing it together, and then looking at random drops of it through this microscope. Just last night, I felt...
  3. C

    Plankton proportions

    Quick question - I've been googling around and trying to find out the relative proportions of different forms of plankton. What I really want to know is what proportion of them are photosynthetic - or to be slightly more honest, was I talking porkies when I said to a friend; "They're mostly...
  4. E

    The New Biodiesel; Algae for High Yield Oil Production

    Take a look at: youtube.com/watch?v=_ToojK_MJd0&feature=related (as a new member I cannot post the complete url address so you’ll have to add the missing prefix. Hopefully someone will repost with complete link.) Valcent Products Incorporated is now a penny stock trading publicly on the...
  5. A

    Solving Global Warming

    Okay, here is a solution to global warming I dreamed up when I was a grade school student. It is a very rough idea but I think there might be something to it and I am surprised I have never heard anything like it in the media. I am hoping to toss it out to those many a wiser than me in the JREF...
  6. Cello Man

    The Original Baby Boom...2.4 Billions Years Ago

    http://http://news.yahoo.com/s/space/20061127/sc_space/galacticbabyboominfluencedlifeonearth An interesting article. It seems that studying cosmic rays and their effects on genes will help us go a long way towards understanding how life on Earth made the leap from bacteria and algae into more...

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