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911 debunking resources

  1. chrismohr

    Richard Gage Blueprint for Truth Rebuttals on YouTube by Chris Mohr

    This is a thread for my twenty respectful rebuttal YouTube videos of Richard Gage's 911 video Blueprint for Truth, which are getting posted in late June of 2011. They can be found on YouTube by going to my account, chrismohr911, or typing in keywords such as Richard Gage Chris Mohr Blueprint for...
  2. fourtoe

    911 Audio Debates Thread!

    Hey all, I became interested in 911 CT because I love listening to debates. The more debates I listen to, the more I go and look up the topics debated over and that is part of the reason why I started posting on JREF. Googling these topics kept sending me to old JREF threads. The following are...
  3. Gravy

    Gravysites: Where 9/11 Conspiracies are Laid to Rest

    You can just bookmark the Links page. The two other sites are linked from there. Links for 9/11 Research A thousand or so categorized links, and several "mini sites" that are expanded versions of longer posts I've made here. http://wtc7lies.googlepages.com/home World Trade Center Building 7...
  4. B

    New Debunking Short: But WTC7 Wasn't Hit By A Plane!

    2090656745491880695 IwdD6ERutEI Okay, here's a second video. I've got a better microphone now, and tweaked this video some from what I released last week. Hope you guys likey! By the way, for people who like full links: Google: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2090656745491880695...
  5. ref

    How many people have been involved in 9/11 investigations?

    This was brought up in some other thread. Could we get some approximate number, has this already been addressed? I couldn't find it. Truthers are calling for a new "independent" investigation. But there has been plenty of investigating done already. The question is, how many people have been...
  6. OMGturt1es

    Please help...

    another 911 vid that will be shown in my city. i will be around this time. i've already started debunking the video. i just found out about this. the video will be shown on thursday. i have a lot that i have to do between now and then! i can dedicate about 5-6 more hours toward this. what i...
  7. A

    Hold down the fort

    Okay y'all, hold down the fort while I'm on vacation starting tomorrow.
  8. JAStewart

    How do you fight?

    I was just wondering what are your ways of combatting conspiracy theorists? I ask because for the second time in a month, I've been at uni and glanced over at someones computer only to see them watching a 9/11 video and so I tear a lil' bit of paper outta my notepad and just silently hand them a...
  9. WilliamSeger

    New debunking site: ThePentaCON.INFO

    This new site at http://ThePentaCON.INFO will be devoted specifically to debunking the theory advanced by Lyte Trip and the "Citizen Investigation Team" at thepentacon.com. (I have also created a forum at http://s6.invisionfree.com/ThePentaCON ) Over the next few days, while waiting for the...
  10. Oliver

    9/11 Attack Simulations

    This Thread is meant to collect simulations about the 9/11 attacks to understand what happend inside the WTC Buildings and the Pentagon. Feel free to add further links to other simulations. :) (If possible, scientific calculated simulations) Index of Simulations at Purdue University...
  11. greyleonard

    New entry in the JREF CT sub-forum

    http://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/local_links.php?catid=18 It's not showing up at the top of this forum as "new", yet.
  12. Dave Rogers

    Request for 9-11 info source suggestions

    Hi there. I've been putting together a critique of Attack Scenario 404, the 911research.wtc7.net account of how the 9-11 conspiracy could have only involved a dozen people. Making a more realistic count of conspirators, I'm currently up to about 1,500, but I have some more to count. Can...
  13. jaydeehess

    Looking for photos

    I am looking for photos taken from the helicopters, of the fires in the towers. Specifically ones showing the interior fires and the hanging floors. I know is saw these before, probably in a NIST pdf but I cannot seem to locate them again. I also would like a transcript of the reports by the...
  14. eddyk

    Winsor Tower Fire (Evidence for CTs or for us?)

    I've been doing to reading up on the windsor tower and it's quite interesting. The tower collapsed from floor 17 and above (besides the core), it turns out that no floors abover floor 16 had fire proofing. Sound familiar? Floor 9 also was missing fire-proofing and that ended up looking like...
  15. Panoply_Prefect

    Timeline pre 911

    Hi! Excuse a noob (I tried to search I promise!) but could anyone direct me to an official timeline of the wereabouts and actions of the hijackers before the attacks? Cheers, SLOB
  16. SezMe

    Request for Help re 911 Debunking

    As mentioned here, I was able to get a half hour on a local radio station to debunk a local talk show host regarding 911 conspiracies. I got notification that I would be on the air late last Friday and the show went live at 1:30 pm on the next day! I was really concerned that I would flub the...
  17. OMGturt1es

    9/11 CT debunking/critique videos.

    perhaps we can add a section to the links section for movies that deal with debunking 911 CTs? debates, ground zero footage, etc. hell, even that south park episode... to start with, i'll list the ones i know that i would suspect others here should find interesting: CRITIQUES/DEBUNKS: Screw...
  18. Axiom_Blade

    Gravy's PDFs

    Where can you find all of Gravy's PDFs? Also, are HTML versions available (besides the Loose Change Guide)? If not, I would like to make HTML versions and mirror them.
  19. P

    Questions for 9/11 Truthers

    As we know, Truthers like to make up lists of probing questions about 9/11: http://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=70136 I guess every Truther has a different version of this list, just as they each have a different version of the story. And in any case, the questions they...
  20. C

    Sources that address Flight 93 being "shot down"

    Hey guys - I'm doing some research on Flight 93, and while I have found conclusive evidence that the plane did crash in Shanksville, I'm having a hard time trying to find evidence that proves it was merely the act of terrorists and didn't involve a shoot-down. Obviously there are a number of...
  21. TK0001

    I need the second best 9/11 debunking info site, please

    9/11myths.com got blocked here and I need to look up some info on Scott Forbes. I'm currently arguing with a windowlicker who insists the Forbes story (26 hour power down of both towers) has never been refuted. I'd like to shove a couple links up his brianhole, so please help a brutha out.
  22. G-K-4

    What Are the Best JREF Threads re: 9/11?

    Hello, everyone. A few of us have begun building a wiki-based FAQ about 9/11 conspiracy claims. It is meant to be a resource for debaters to keep from having to argue the same things over and over again. We would like to use material from these forums. The articles would have concise answers...
  23. VespaGuy

    Fight 93 Debris

    I'm debating in another forum about 9/11 and I was told that human remains and other debris was found 5 miles away from the crash site. When I asked for a source I was linked to this article (http://post-gazette.com/headlines/20010913somersetp3.asp) which is from 2 days after 9/11. Has this...
  24. CurtC

    New site: "9/11 Answers" wiki

    All, In the thread Orgainising an FAQ, Anti-sophist and I both suggested a FAQ in a wiki format. A-S suggested the title: 911 Answers "Just providing answers to those just asking questions" I've set this up: 9/11 Answers Wiki Right now, it's a template. Anyone can edit the pages, which...
  25. qarnos

    Organising an FAQ

    Someone mentioned this in a thread which I have since lost, but is anyone interested in trying to pull something together? I can't speak for others, but I think it would be a great project for those "popcorn eaters" amongst us (of who I am one!) and would help take the strain off the mainstays...
  26. dirtywick

    CD Impossible: Facts

    Hello everyone, I've been working on this the last couple of weeks. I felt the need to write this because the CT crowd is way too selective on their knowledge and I've never seen a piece of information like it, and felt it was needed. It appears later, but I want to reiterate that I'm not a CD...
  27. L

    9/11 Conspiracy Theory Debunking Sites Here

    In this topic in our Politics section, a newcomer to the forum asked for links to some good 9/11 CT debunking sites. I referred him to this area of the forum and told him we had 9/11 topics out the wazoo. However, since a lot of the topics involve conversations which rely on following the...

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