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9/11 conspiracy theories

  1. yankee451

    9/11: The Smoking Gun

    The evidence discussed in this video leads directly to the most likely cause, and the most likely suspects, which is probably why it was banned almost immediately on YouTube and Facebook. The inescapable conclusion is that multiple cruise missiles were launched in broad daylight on 9/11. How...
  2. Oystein

    Richard Gage no longer President and CEO of AE911Truth

    It appears Richard Gage is no longer President and CEO of AE. I got tipped off by this content, which AE linked to from their Facebook page 14 hours ago: https://wabcradio.com/episode/roland-angle-9-10-21/?fbclid=IwAR31LphCgce4ZxbM9beLcvavdivsyMQHv3YaxCRv-PwmrERHFi_v8bWJfRU "Roland Angle, the...
  3. Allen773

    How do Truthers explain the cooperation/coordination needed within the US govt...

    ....for an “inside job?” of 9/11? Do they know how the US government works? Do they know how its many, many decentralized departments, bureaus, divisions, agencies, and subagencies are structured, what their roles and functions are, whether or not one part of the government’s function...
  4. V

    Is the demolition scenario a vestige of early no-planer theories?

    I might be conflating the conspiracy theory narratives myself, but I had an epiphany last week and like all good skeptics I tried to figure out how the available evidence fit into it. I was wondering whether or not this whole superfluous "controlled demolition" idea sprang up from the no-plane...
  5. Oystein

    Game Over - we have a Death Bed Confession for WTC7!

    Three days ago at YouNewsWire.com - News. Truth. Unfiltered. CIA Agent Confesses On Deathbed: ‘We Blew Up WTC7 On 9/11’ I first spotted this at 911Blogger - although poster "wildbill" in my opinion is the second-sanest person there among those who still have posting privileges. Let's see...
  6. Oystein

    New JoNES article to shoot down: Transponder Activity

    After two years in hibernation, Kevin Ryan's "Journal of 9/11 Studies" has published a new article: "Implications of September 11 Flight Transponder Activity" by Aidan Monaghan, May 2017. Abstract: I haven't read it, but since Monaghan is a Truther, Ryan is a Truther, and the JoNES is a...
  7. Allen773

    Some specific flaws with both the "MIHOP" and "LIHOP" variants of 9/11 truth...

    Some specific flaws with both the "MIHOP" and "LIHOP" variants of 9/11 truth... I've created this thread as a summary of some of the specific logical issues with both the MIHOP and LIHOP variants of 9/11 "Truth", from my point of view, at least. MIHOP: I'll just let Mike Sawyer's words on...
  8. geggy

    Where's the evidence of Osamas guilt?

  9. Allen773

    Donte Stallworth's reflections on 9/11 CTs...

    ...and his own flirtation with them, in a Salon article from last December. snip: snip: snip: Full article:http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/12/02/donte-stallworth-911-conspiracy_n_6178556.html He's not wrong. ;)
  10. JSanderO

    9-11 real calls?

    I received an email from my friend Professor Paul Zarembka who I met and spent time with when I was engaged with the truth movement. I consider him to be an intelligent and honorable person. He did some analysis of the financial matters related to insider trading as he is a professor of...
  11. S

    Who was in on the inside job ?

    So far I have heard the following were involved in the "inside Job" Aviation industry Oil industry NYFD Larry Silverstein George Bush The NIST This forum Police department Demolition teams Arsonists The military Judges The media What have I missed ?
  12. Oystein

    A debate about Harrit et al between Jay Howard and Oystein

    In another thread, Jay Howard brought up the 2009 Harrit et al "nanothermite" paper (Harrit NH et al: Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe. The Open Chemical Physics Journal, 2009, 2, 7-31) in several posts, which I considered off-topic there...
  13. carlitos

    celebrity 9/11 truthers

    As Donté Stallworth has been hired by the Huffington Post, some folks are trying to recall which celebs are still 9/11 truthers. Other than Rosie O'Donnell, there are a hand full. http://disputations.gawker.com/which-celebrities-are-still-9-11-truthers-1630525356
  14. The Platypus

    How can "911 truth" be "the truth" when...

    How can "911 truth" be "the truth" when there are over 100 competing and even contradictory variations on what "the truth" is, who did it, how they did, and why they did it? The fact that none of them can even get their story straight, along with the terrible behavior and tactics that 911...
  15. R

    A Petition for Engineers

    All, Recently a Truther on my website posted the following: Let's find out. Even if the ae911Truth signatories were all engineers, 1500 engineers would represent 9/100ths of one percent of all the engineering professionals in the US. Surely the engineering community will be able to dwarf...
  16. bit_pattern

    Merged bin Laden buried at sea / bin Laden died years ago CT / bin Laden not really dead CT

    FACTS: 1. US making decision on winding back forces in Afghanistan soon. 2. Capturing/killing Bin Laden would make that much easier to justify. 3. Bin Laden's body has been "buried at sea" QED, bitch!
  17. Walter Ego

    Which Conspiracy Theories Do You Find LEAST Convincing?

    My list in roughly descending order. 1. The Nazis didn't mass murder Jews with Zyklon B in concentration camps during WW2. I listed this first because it's the most offensive. 2. 9/11 was an inside job. (Interestingly the above two were conspiracies… by the Nazis and Osama bin Laden, et...
  18. carlitos

    14 Photos of flight 175 striking WTC - Plane or No Plane?

    I think that these photos show a plane. Anyone else? http://www.911myths.com/index.php/Image:Flight_175_Adair.jpg http://www.911myths.com/index.php/Image:Flight_175_Bursuker.jpg http://www.911myths.com/index.php/Image:Flight_175_Luke_Cremin.jpg...
  19. Gorgonian

    What are these from?

    So, there are a few nutjobs on a forum I go to a lot spouting the same old nonsense, but I haven't seen this one before. I know it doesn't mean anything at all, but I would like to know what these are so I can at least explain it to them. Anyone ever seen these? Web searches on pentagon...
  20. Walter Ego

    Terrorism Conspiracy Theories and the 1978 Sydney Hilton bombings, Lockerbie, 9/11

    From the You Tube description: Running time: One hour, twenty-six minutes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMBQoqCbSMQ&feature=PlayList&p=93179B23996E4666&playnext_from=PL&playnext=1&index=5 Truther knickers already in a twist over this one...

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