I read the article and many of the comments, and all of yours that I saw.
The Missing Jolt is a serious problem for the present official story of how WTC 1 collapsed. Of course, the collapse of WTC 7 is equally problematic. The NIST model of WTC 7 does not conform to observation as it's exterior is heavily deformed unlike the real building.
It is hard for buildings to collapse at freefall acceleration through themselves for eight stories, as in the case of WTC 7, or at 70% of the rate of gravity with no deceleration and velocity loss at any time, as in the case of WTC 1, without something unnaturally removing the strength of the columns below or rendering them ineffective by removing joints.
Gravity driven collapses require large impulsive loads to overcome the reserve strength of the columns below and the Verinage Technique shows that the velocity loss is easily measured when the impact and kinetic energy transfer necessary to continue the collapse with gravity only occurs.