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  • I have to ask on my wife's behalf.. Where did you get those shoes. The ones that George Hrab had on his head, white with colored lines on them.
    Hi Tracy,
    Hope all is well. I was lucky enough to get drawn for a ticket for TAM London and replied to the email in time but have heard nothing since. I just wanted to check that all is in hand and I will get to purchase the ticket. I wouldn't want to miss out on coming.
    Many thanks
    Dear Tracy

    I'm sorry about your separation from your hubby. I feared the worst as soon as I read your initial post saying you were suddenly leaving Birmingham and moving to London - and then you confirmed it further down the thread.

    Separation for whatever reason (and no matter whose fault it is) cannot be easy or without emotion, so let me say that I hope you have good friends in London who understand. I can only begin to imagine what it is like.

    If you've noticed my latest thread, I moved to Sydney late last year (which is a definite improvement over Reading, let me tell you!) so a visit from me is reeeeeeeaaaaaallllllyyyyy unlikely (you'll be pleased to know).

    It could be a good opportunity to progress the singing career in London anyway. And the musicals and theatres are good too.

    Best wishes for the future

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