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    When we moved to Xenfora some of the signature options didn't come over. In the old software signatures were limited by a character limit, on Xenfora there are more options and there is a character number and number of lines limit. I've set maximum number of lines to 4 and unlimited characters.
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  • Happy birthday! I admire your thoughtful posts, and after all you've been through I think you deserve a cheery, joyful day to celebrate... yourself. So do it! :-)
    I would love to, but don't have the cash this month. Hoping to be in better shape next month-I will pm you then and if you still have him I will buy him then. Thank you!!
    Well sorry your mentally ill. I suffer anxiety and depression myself. The story needed to be told I guess.
    I shall step out. But I have reported the post. I have posted vital information for you but apparently that's of no interest. So you can understand why I am a bit skeptical of the claim. This after all is a skeptics site. Good luck to you.
    Don't leave us unless it's the best thing for you. I know many folk here look forward to your posts. Seeing that you've added something to a thread is often the reason why I'll check a thread out, might not always agree with you but you always make an interesting post!
    You're welcome! Big hugs back! :)

    It gets worse- Jeb Bush has the same birthday! :) And I suspect you wouldn't give a flip but you were also born the same day as Jennifer Aniston, Sheryl Crow and Burt Reynolds.

    How's it going in the Land of You? How are you feeling now days? Is Fred gone?

    I really hope things are better with you.

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