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    When we moved to Xenfora some of the signature options didn't come over. In the old software signatures were limited by a character limit, on Xenfora there are more options and there is a character number and number of lines limit. I've set maximum number of lines to 4 and unlimited characters.
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  • Your thin-skinned edit of my post made me laugh. Thanks for the amusement.
    It scares me that American voters can be so easily fooled by such a pandering ass as Trump. I don't pay attention to Presidential elections until after the primaries and I have two candidates to choose from generally, but I've made an exception this year. Not sure I'm happy that I did though.
    Love you Signature.
    And the success of Trump has made me wonder if Robert Heinlein was not right in Starship Troopers that just letting somebody vote because they avoid being killed until they reach 18 is a good idea.

    Travis's older brother was killed in a altercation with the police. Travis maintains it was an execution. I am not sure of the facts. But Travis has a deep seated dislike of the police in general,and he often goes off the deep end in his attacks on the cops.
    Thanks for the welcome. As our user names are similar, but (judging by the first half of your name) we probably sit on different sides of the isle, I'll try very hard not to post nonsense. Wouldn't want you to suffer for my ramblings!

    Welcome aboard. I guess now we have to watch for people addressing one of us by some altered version of our user names and creating some kind of confusion.
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