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  • Keyser, I know paul's entity doesn't exist, but no matter how often we tell paul this, he won't believe it. If we can make him see for himself that this thing cannot be shown to exist by any scientific means, then he will have to either admit it doesn't exist, or he will have to admit it can never be proven and go on believing blindly.

    I'm all about helping people to discover the truth for themselves rather than telling them the truth :)

    I know that what you posted about the other cases makes sense to us logical critical thinkers, but woos don't think logically. He is likely to believe (if he isn't just a troll) that it doesn't matter what anyone else has experienced, HIS experience is different. That's why the sleep paralysis direction, or the psychiatric problem direction won't go anywhere. paul is going to believe he is different.

    We have to help him to work it out himself. Until it becomes clear that he doesn't want to be shown that his entity is non-existent. Maybe then, if he is mentally ill, he will be able to take a step towards seeking psychiatric help.
    Hey Reno

    I'm confused where you are getting at with this paulnprovidence guy.

    In regards to your reply
    KeyserSoze, paulnprovidence may be the first person to actually have found a REAL entity. All the stories, books and other media may be from people with delusions, medical conditions, or they may be making up stories.

    If we can find a way to prove the existence of paulnprovidence's entity, then the other stories, etc are moot.

    The quote I made about pointing to books, stories, etc was actually from a thread about how to deal with mentally ill people. Search for it int he forums. What I was actually getting at is that this guy DOES seem delusional.

    I can't figure out if you are taking him seriously or if you are playing some type of reverse psychology game or something, but either way I think you should be careful, because if he really is mentally ill it is only going to make it worse for you to humor him.
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