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    When we moved to Xenfora some of the signature options didn't come over. In the old software signatures were limited by a character limit, on Xenfora there are more options and there is a character number and number of lines limit. I've set maximum number of lines to 4 and unlimited characters.
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  • You're a dilettante poser with no substance or background to be debating what you start, with anyone.
    That's my (and I'm sure many of the respondents here) position relative to the juvenile glop you post.
    I'm starting to see a pattern at JREF among some of the active posters in the politics, economics, and philosophy sections.
    1)Make no defensible point
    2)Attack those who do
    3)When pressured resort to reason, rhetoric and anecdotes
    4)Attack opposition for using reason, rhetoric and anecdotes
    5)Demand empirical evidence, provide none of your own
    6)Celebrate if armchair philosopher cannot provide it, though you are no expert and neither is your opponent, you can now declare yourself the undisputed champion of the world
    7)If they do, declare that science and economics/politics/philosophy don’t mix
    8)If someone agrees with your position, agree with them on everything. There is strength in unity
    9)Never admit you’re wrong. Ignore the opposition if they admit being wrong, but always tell people they never admit they are wrong.
    10)Always remind other posters that the opposition is always wrong
    11)Most importantly, remember you’re smart and you know what is best for other people.
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