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  • Hi, Lonewulf! I just noticed a post where you mentioned you went to Del Mar College. So did I! I got an associate's degree there back in 85. Small world, innit?
    I've solved the argument problem now. I've finally put him on ignore again. This time, I expect him to remain there Forever! :D Thanks for denying his claim that I made a veiled threat against you and then carried it out and now you don't talk to me because of that. :D

    He never actually defined what kind of "threat" he was talking about. Anyway, now I've done something far more egregious than whatever it could have been by denying him the right of free speech, by putting him on ignore. ... Well, at least, he's still got the right of free speech, but I've denied him the right/freedom to be listened to by me. :D
    Oh what an unsavoury character I am! :)

    You know the one I've been having the flame war with on-and-off on the Frostcloud forum, Ben Burkhill, who signed up here as Integrity? Well, it reignited recently, and he's mentioned you again. He seems to have got it into his strange head that you don't talk to me any more because when I said that stuff to you about me being a black widow spider and you needing to guard against me with that book about protection in case of nuclear war, I was making a serious veiled threat against you, which I then somehow carried out, perhaps by flaming you. :D

    It's in a thread where the person we were arguing about before, I-Am-A-Genius, made a joke threat against me, because in a different thread, Burkhill was saying unpleasant things about his character, and I told him he wouldn't say such things if he knew who IAAG was, which I thought I had an idea of. I-Am-A-Genius told me in his usual over-the-top theatrically humorous style that I'd better not reveal his identity or he'd say something I wouldn't like about who he thought I was, something to do with Tyrone and Shakespeare.

    After making a joke post about another poster who'd sworn at us both, which I adapted from something I wrote in the Future Scams thread here, I said I didn't know who Tyrone was, but I pretended to confuse him with Tyson, and made a joke about Mike Tyson threatening Lennox Lewis in Shakespearean language. Burkhill warned IAAG that this was actually a serious veiled threat against him. :D I said that wasn't true, and it started the argument that he's brought your name into now. He said to me, "you [made a threat against] Lonewulf (why do you think you don't talk anymore?)" :D

    Here's where the thread starts. If you decide you want to comment there, Burkhill's comment about you is in post 22, on page 2. :D Alternatively, I told him I'd tell you what he said about you and report your response back to him. :)
    Oh I wasn't suggesting you get involved in our flame war. In fact, I suggest you don't. I meant you might need the book on protection in the face of a nuclear war if I ever turn my "black widow spider" proclivities on you. :D
    Hey, guess what! You get a mention in that thread I link to in my signature. The flame war the thread turned into has reignited after a month's break, and
    the main person having the war with me wants to warn you of what a terrible person I am, before you find out the hard way. He says:
    "And she even has a friend called 'Lone Wolf' who has said all the things I once said about Meme - I hope he understands she is a black widow spider
    before it is too late, heh - he'll learn with time."
    From post 149 on this page of the thread.
    (He means you. He became a JREF member, so he can discover such things.)
    So you have been warned! Beware! :) You might need This!
    BTW, re your post about me talking to myself in the humour forum: :D

    It's funny. It looks as if that's what I'm doing in that thread I link to in my signature, as if I'm mentally ill, thinking there's someone there talking to me who isn't really there, and commenting on what I think they've said. A bit like the new Garfield comics. But actually, there were other people in that thread who got their posts deleted because they didn't want to incriminate themselves. At the end of the first post about this place and the start of the second, there's a moderator note that says the posts have been deleted "to protect the guilty". :)
    Hey, I like the fact that you've done a post about crisis numbers and websites and linked to it in your signature.

    Here are a few more you could maybe have:

    Crisis Support in the UK.
    Useful UK Addresses and Links to UK-Based and Worldwide Help Sites.

    And you could maybe link to this: Links to online support groups for people contemplating suicide and relatives of people who've committed suicide.
    That's nice. Thanks. I like the posts of yours I've read as well.

    It'll be nice to have a board friend, because it might intimidate my 163965932607831 board enemies into leaving me alone, since they'll see I have allies ... oh no hang on, I think I just lapsed into paranoia for a few seconds there. :) ... I mean, they are leaving me alone now.
    Naw, not a wrong button or anything. I was bored and thought, "Hey, why not?"

    I'm not sure what this actually does overall, but I find your posts on the main part to be pretty cool. At the very least, you aren't quite as hot-headed as some of the other posters, including me. ;)
    I got a notification from you suggesting befriending Lonewulf. I would be happy to accept this if it is not an error? Just checking because I would not like to accept if you pressed the wrong button or something :)
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