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  • Hi, Learner! I noticed your avatar and wondered if it's a tattoo. I ask, because it's beautiful, and I am a face painter. My avatar is a painting I did on my arm. I love the colors! Brilliant work.
    I was up at 4.30 this mornig on a hunt with my Goshawk, back home and having breakfast at 7.30. Done the house work and all that before I used to get up with a bad head and 50 quid worse off. Must have been mad. Good luck.
    No, doesn't sound patronising at all. You're right about the fix thing, I get quite irritated if I don't have a drink on Fridays and think it's a mental thing as much as physical. I have a few drink midweek which has turned into a few too many recently and fgeel like I'm permanently either drunk or hung over, which is not good. I am determined to stop altogether and know I'll be better for it. It also bugs me that I say I'm gonna do something and than not do it because of drink. I'm usually pretty reliable!
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