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  • Say, I believe I saw a post at the BFF which could be interpreted as you endorsing some sort of outing of personal information and harassing a person using confidential information and the Internet, which is illegal, not to mention the ethical issues. If barackman or anyone else has a gripe there is a legal system to deal with it. Vigilante internet actions are a no no, legally. IMHO Tontar could now tear that place down if he had a mind to, particularly so given the similarities to numerous other actions there.

    I hope you could clarify your position and distance yourself from a lynch mob.
    just a message to say good luck with the suit stuff hope it turns out to be the real thing..and shut all these footers constantly bad mouthing you..
    I meant also to mention, regarding the Al DeAtley return address on the mailer, that Patterson had already shown in his transactions with Morriss that he didn't have his bigfoot scam stuff mailed to his home. DeAtley was in on the scheme, and also had the projector. So it is perfectly reasonable that Patterson would have made him the person to whom the developed film was mailed by Kodak.
    Jim McLarin tells me he was in Willow Creek on the 20th carving his statue; he did not learn about the filming until the next morning (when he was told by Hodgson). He knows nothing about Patterson calling Hodgson that morning, or about the calls for the scientists or dogs, just that he and Dahinden were invited to Yakima. He says it wasn't raining. He and Dahinden then went to an airport at McKinleyville and flew north, then took a bus to Yakima. McLarin insists that not only was Gimlin not at the showing at DeAtley's house, Patterson was NOT there either.
    I will pursue these issues with him; any suggestions?

    by the story, from the moment Patterson first saw the monster, 100 ft away, to the moment it disappeared, he was very shocked, very busy, in pain, limping, crossing a stream, in danger, fell down, peering through a viewfinder trying to get the monster in frame, behind trees, etc, for 58 sec.

    with that in mind, I read Patterson's description, something strange pops out.
    "The hair was two to four inches long and of a light tint on top with a deeper color underneath. "

    I have bow hunted and killed and skinned every large animal in N A except the Griz, moose, goats and sheep, and I could not tell you that info.

    How does Patterson know this stuff so exactly when he was ass over teakettle for less than a minute at a hundred feet or more? When Gimlin supposedly can't even see a 1200 lb horse and rider fall down because of the (oh goodness me!) shock of it all.

    too funny. Patterson already knew that "fur" very intimately, that is my conclusion.

    Hi there! ...I'm back. I was on a long coffee break. You doin good? I have a lot of reading to do here; to catch up. :)
    Orp you are vergin on a frying pan attack about he over use of ppp;s ;)

    As for my lovely new friend, Kitakaze please step into this nice tempura batter. I demand a snack to appease me.
    :) CPP has a facade of steel, but a heart of marshmallow. She's on your side, really. (I say that so that she doesn't hit me with her frypan!)
    Hello new friend.

    Oh good, a new ingredient to add to my recipe collection. Please note if you wish your limbs reattached after my cooking experiments please state so or you'll find yourself in a cheap plastic carrier bag. You must be mad to want to befriend me, or brave. LOL :D
    The thing that immediately gave it away for me was the lack of canines even ive got bigger ones never-mind an ??????opithocus- taking the pissocuss.
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