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    When we moved to Xenfora some of the signature options didn't come over. In the old software signatures were limited by a character limit, on Xenfora there are more options and there is a character number and number of lines limit. I've set maximum number of lines to 4 and unlimited characters.
John Freestone
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  • Can you believe how many members this site has lost since a couple years back? And it keeps sinking while staff can't see it. I hardly ever post here anymore. Easily the WORST moderation I've ever encountered. Most of the brighter members like sol invictus and Dan O have either left or been banned. I'm hoping when it gets below 1k active icerat will finally get it.
    For what it's worth, you might want to bring up the question of how windspeed is measured, in order to ascertain that the balloon is moving slower than the wind. Air consists of countless molecules moving in all directions, so how does one define windspeed? The wing gauges that I know about (cup anemometer, turbine, pitot tube) all need to be calibrated, because they don't give a speed value directly. The only references I can think of are a) putting the gauge out the window of a moving car in still air (which I think is probably way too treadmill-like for humber), or using a balloon. In fact, I think the speed of a balloon is the definition of windspeed1
    > I don't see many roses in your new physics revolution yet. Just a large
    > pile of persistence.

    That, sir, is brilliant! Touche!
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