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    When we moved to Xenfora some of the signature options didn't come over. In the old software signatures were limited by a character limit, on Xenfora there are more options and there is a character number and number of lines limit. I've set maximum number of lines to 4 and unlimited characters.
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  • Femke,

    I have started a new telepathy thread (here) in which, following this post you wrote: post, I mention you as a person who is willing to help, by posting answers from members you've received (if any), at an appropriate time (see my new thread for details).
    Thank you again.

    Hey there!

    Nice to meet you! I'm pleased that you noticed. I always loved playing chess (just as a passtime) but never bothered to learn it, till now. What happens is that this year I've started dedicating time to it - and I got into this wonderful, wonderful game. I believe that that kind of class is my goal, even though I'll not become a GM so soon... I'm too low ranked so far.
    I'm in Curitiba, that's like 600 km unfortunately. But I'd love to keep contact with you and your husband, if you would like! Chess is fascinating, maybe we could start a forum chess game. Good to know you're from Netherlands! Mom and dad must be around you, this month. They're on a trip to Europe :)


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