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  • Sorry for delay in update. Flu outbreak at work meant those not infected had to work. Not that I'm complaining, better to work than be ill. Updates are going to be very intermittant.

    Update on mum

    Not good news. Mum was released about 6 days post op. But was rushed back in 2 days later into emergency as she was spewing for the world. Basically her small bowel is wrecked and beyond repair. The CT/X-Ray and Ultrasound scans revealed the small bowel is twisted up again, inflamed and dilated and the lower bowel is flat. She's back under the Bowel surgeon and they are managing her condition conservatively as in mum's more on fluids and has not managed to eat solids and probably won't for sometime to come. Mum will remain in hospital until she can keep food and fluids down and the bowel wakes up and passes motions.

    Understandably she's tired, faint and in some pain, but is OK and cheery.
    You hang in there girl, I'm just getting to know you and I really think we have alot in common! And even if we don't, I love reading your posts as you are a woman after my own heart! I still want to see Hellish Delights! I will keep good thoughts for you.
    Come back soon, CC! Twisted bowel instead of Fred? I'm not sure which is worse, though... And concerned about the quality of medical care you're getting, to miss a terribly serious condition! Get better soon!
    No, I think Fred wasn't found. Bloody bastard was hiding, or something. :mad: But at least the twisted bowel was fixed, and the infection treated.
    Thanks heaps for the updates, Ju-ju. :hug5 Hugs for you both.
    Damn, the things that happen when I'm not paying attention! Married and Fred-less?
    Lastest update.

    I'm working a 4 on and 2 day off rota. Next update in 4 days time.

    Mum's infection was already there before the operation. Part of the twisted bowel was infected as was an area something else had been in. Probably the Fred. Gynae have dumped her back to the other clinic. So she's back where she started again. Not knowing if Fred had a last hurrah before vacating or it's there hiding or??

    What is puzzling Mum n Dad is the Ct scan showed Fred and co, there was no mention of a twisted bowel. Gynae aren't saying anything about it and said the other side will. Not that helpful really.No real change on mum, her temperature, high, hasn't climbed any further. She had a little soup and didn't complain so she's not normal yet. That is about it.
    Thinking of you, CC! (((((Hugs!)))))

    We always knew you were a "twisted" lady! ;) Does this mean you'll now be all love and light? ;) :D
    Mum Update.

    Mums op went ahead on day as planned. Got herself dehydrated, her vein collapsed and that shut the fluid off she should have got. Made for a headache or 2 for the anesthetic team. Op itself fine but no ovarian tissue found or Fred and CO. What they did find was a triple twisted bowel that was badly ballooned with trapped contents. That was untwisted and adhesions cut. A very serious condition and given mum had to take a clear out medicine as well. She's awake feeling a lot less in pain but has an infection set in. Infection being treated so pending it is to when she comes out. She's in quarantine but comfy. Mum is a nice shade of yellow, brown, green and nice purple. Her stomach is black with bruises as the surgeon really went to town on her. That's about it. She's a bit quiet but Dad says that down to the shock of what they found and the infection taking hold. He says to enjoy the silence she'll soon be assaulting our ears.

    I'm fly-by posting on my days off, as I'm still away working.

    Am going inot hosptial later today for pre-op and Op date is for 26/11/2008 in the morning. A minimum 3 hour op with hopefully full and final eviction for Fred and CO.

    Ju-Ju , aka Aromantic Ghost, will post updates and pass on any messages if she is able to get back from her touring duties.
    Am geting married today to the poor man who agreed to let me rule his, life, spend his money and nag him until he hasn't a breath in his body. He can't run from the venue I have all the keys to his chains. LOL
    No changes yet, surgery yet unkonwn until Aug 11th. Mr Hoarde whisked me away on a surprise getaway and combined meet-up with my chef friends. So that's where I've been hobnobbing and feasting on all things chef perpared.
    Hey there! Haven't heard from you in a while, thought I'd drop a line and see how things are going. Finished with the doctors yet? Hope you're about done with all the surgery :P
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