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  • that was it was it, return raid. Yawn! I defeated you with a feather. You are weak mummy, I corpse yoda cruncher has whooped you again,
    Forgive me absence. I have for too long being mourning the passing of my beloved pets. Now through the grey mists of tears am I seeing those rays of sunlight,warming the cold dark days of despair. Many tiny steps I have take slowly forward to greet friends of old and new alike. Although my heart is still fragile the sun heals that broken pain each day. Patience I shall get there in time, always going forward into the warmth.
    Ditto with the concerns. I haven't been on here in, oh, *looks at watch* close to two years but I have been thinking about you often and hoping that you are okay. I'd love to hear about any new flavors of corpses, if you've had some good ones.
    Hey! Just wanted to check in and see how you were doing and wanted to know that I was thinking of you!
    All Hoardes now home and in normal colours. Which is a relief as some were mentioning joining the yellow army Mr H was secretly creating in hosptal.
    Please forgive me for any rages or odd behviour of me currently..Onion has just passed over to the rainbow bridge, so I am not myself.

    There is some good news Pirates Addisons 'potassiums' levels have dropped to a more normal 5.6. She is feeling a lot better within herself.
    I am still uncertain how they will do the minor operation. Seeing as the hospital blankly refuses to do any operations or resolve this matter I am suffering with.

    The pic of my scar is around somewhere so you can see how big the area is. As well as the swab taken to find out what infection I have also living very snuggly within my abdomen.

    Would anybody else care to move into my abdomen? It seems I have everything else living in their might as well take on the homeless and anybody else.

    Knowing the hosptial I'll probably be given a drip bag a couple of headache pills and sent home having been told I have indigestion again. Oh such is the sweet taste of irony
    and yes I am having a very bad day.

    Yesterday I was given the results of my ultrasound scan and... I have a wonderful abdomen full of cysts the smallest being 76cms in size. By comparison a small orange is 5cm's. Do try walking around with a tennis ball strapped to your side and see how that feels, and then you might just begin to understand how I feel.. At least you can take the ball off.

    I shall be going into hospital for a biopsy of a tumor also found during the scan, and an investigation to a strange spongy mass located between the skin and abdominal wall running the full length of my scar. No surprise I have twists in the bowel as well a cyst/mass within the main colon. Also seems to be pools of liquid/stroke blood, which probably accounts for my anemia.
    Not all the time, sometimes there maybe good news following my vanshings. I say check my facebook status if I vanish, if that is active then I'm just generally busy. If that is quiet then I am either in hosptial or alternating between conversing with the great china dog or hibernating.
    Been in hsoptial for sometime, Or should read been put in(by GP) and out of hosptial( by House reg's) for sometime. Very icky = me.

    My local hosptial is currently a NHS =National hydrating Service. I get rehydrated sent home and sent back in, rehydrated sent back etc etc. I'm pretty much very miserable, bruised to the hilt and still being sick. And have a new time target on having a canula fail, 2 minutes. The hosptial have tohit targets and clear patients, so they hydrate them and send them on their way. They don't actually treat them and they tell them so too. I've put my foot down I am not going back in unless I collapse my GP's not speaking to me and neither are half theHoarde. BUT I AM NOT BEING SENT BACK TO THAT HOSPTIAL. There are no veins or pink skin left to shove a damn canula in.

    Sorry rant but I am that peeved n icky.
    You are welcome. You do remember I eat coprses don't you? Thought I ought to remind you that I do chew friends as well. I am strictly all fair in live and dead people.

    I've noticed that there isn't a lot of VM traffic on this board. Must be a regional variation. I've seen other vBulletin forums where entire social groups grow up around them.

    Thanks for the Friend Request, BTW. I always think of them as flattering.

    I would rather be a pet than dinner, even if it is a rather insecure life :)

    Thank you for that, Corpse Cruncher ;)
    Both. I want my limbs reattached in such a way where I can do the funky chicken or walk about like a crab at my leisure.
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