Been in hsoptial for sometime, Or should read been put in(by GP) and out of hosptial( by House reg's) for sometime. Very icky = me.
My local hosptial is currently a NHS =National hydrating Service. I get rehydrated sent home and sent back in, rehydrated sent back etc etc. I'm pretty much very miserable, bruised to the hilt and still being sick. And have a new time target on having a canula fail, 2 minutes. The hosptial have tohit targets and clear patients, so they hydrate them and send them on their way. They don't actually treat them and they tell them so too. I've put my foot down I am not going back in unless I collapse my GP's not speaking to me and neither are half theHoarde. BUT I AM NOT BEING SENT BACK TO THAT HOSPTIAL. There are no veins or pink skin left to shove a damn canula in.
Sorry rant but I am that peeved n icky.