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  • Chris
    Thanks so much for your suggestions, which I am sure were made with my welfare in mind.
    I actually did get suspended for three days for "going over the top on Vixon", as you predicted.
    I think that the participation of Vixon in the thread has reduced the level of discussion to almost auto-reflex Whack A Mole type reactions to a flood of lies and outrageous misrepresentations.
    The thing that I like about this thread is the exchanges with so many clever and perceptive people, including those who occasionally play devils advocate and make you really think about your positions and beliefs.
    I have very much enjoyed and benfitted from your knowledgable contributions to this and other forums.

    You are right so often that I must let you know of one little error. Williams College has a very fine graduate program (MA) in art history. It is a two year program with about 25 students total. It's national reputation in art history is tops. It is on a par with the very best graduate schools for art history: NYU, Yale, UCLA, Northwestern. My daughter is considering applying there so I have learned of it.

    I went to Colby College in Maine 45 years ago. Almost all of my classes were 15 students or less. In fact, many were 4 - 6. In four years I only had two classes larger than 30. They were lecture classes taught by excellent lecturers that had 100 or so students in the course.

    I wish Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito well in the studies or pursuits. Too bad a software or dot.com billionaire won't step in with the money and hire the best large law firm in Italy to destroy the prosecution and pseudo-scientists in this case.

    Point taken . I wasn't able to edit to show that I was quoting Barbie. Not sure if it's because I signed out and then came back on or because I accessed my account later from a different computer ?
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