Thanks so much for your suggestions, which I am sure were made with my welfare in mind.
I actually did get suspended for three days for "going over the top on Vixon", as you predicted.
I think that the participation of Vixon in the thread has reduced the level of discussion to almost auto-reflex Whack A Mole type reactions to a flood of lies and outrageous misrepresentations.
The thing that I like about this thread is the exchanges with so many clever and perceptive people, including those who occasionally play devils advocate and make you really think about your positions and beliefs.
I have very much enjoyed and benfitted from your knowledgable contributions to this and other forums.
Thanks so much for your suggestions, which I am sure were made with my welfare in mind.
I actually did get suspended for three days for "going over the top on Vixon", as you predicted.
I think that the participation of Vixon in the thread has reduced the level of discussion to almost auto-reflex Whack A Mole type reactions to a flood of lies and outrageous misrepresentations.
The thing that I like about this thread is the exchanges with so many clever and perceptive people, including those who occasionally play devils advocate and make you really think about your positions and beliefs.
I have very much enjoyed and benfitted from your knowledgable contributions to this and other forums.