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    When we moved to Xenfora some of the signature options didn't come over. In the old software signatures were limited by a character limit, on Xenfora there are more options and there is a character number and number of lines limit. I've set maximum number of lines to 4 and unlimited characters.
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  • Hey, just a heads up. You might want to correct your typo in your post before Vixen tell you to "spell it correctly"...which she will.

    "My bad. I was being mischievious" You typed "mischievious" instead of "mischievous".
    Hi, Bill. Just a comment regarding calunnia not being a felony. That is true in the US, but I think, in Italy, it is the legal equivalent to a felony. Calunnia is a "delitto" which translates as "felony". I'm no expert, obviously, but my research leads me to believe that Amanda is, at least in Italy, the equivalent of a felon.
    Bill, never mind about VdL. I found it. Disgusting pieces of ***** to post things like that.
    Hi. I know you can't link VdL's twitter in the forum and I don't see anything like that on his twitter page. Can you link it here or c&p it here?

    I see Giscombe edited his latest book, too. ew
    I don't think it matters. Most here know that KrissyG is lying about not frequenting nutter sites. She's probably spinning it on the word "nutter", she doesn't frequent nutter sites, because to her, they are sane!
    Hi, Bill. I would like to post something in response to Vixen's claim that she doesn't "frequent nutter sites" but only "browses bona fide ones". I wanted to run it past you first and get your opinion as I was suspended twice for connecting her to KG and don't want to get banned.

    What I want to do is post the definition of "browse" and add:

    3. to contribute written articles on a frequent basis.

    synonyms: author, pen, write
    "He contributed several articles in support of the site's established bias"

    What you think? Yea or nay?


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