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yellow bamboo

  1. A

    No-Touch Knockouts - what's the deal?

    If you haven't seen what I'm talking about or have only seen a few examples, you can see a great compilation of examples here (youtube link). Anyone who as seen Benny Hinn knock down hundreds or even thousands of people when he "slays them in the sprit" or "annoints" them must wonder what is...
  2. dannagain

    yellow bamboo video request

    does anyone have a link to the video of that guy (joki tri?) getting knocked down by the yellow bamboo people? I can't find it anywhere. thanks!
  3. S

    this may be old news, but my letter to yellow bamboo

    My letter to yellow bamboo... Dear Mr. Sellars, I am interested in your yellow bamboo training program for personal defense. I saw this video http://martrix.org/Bamboo%20Kuning%20a%20magic%20force.wmv, and was quite impressed. However, upon showing this video to one of my friends (a typical...
  4. K

    YELLOW BAMBOO & "A.G. Donovan"

    The Yellow Bamboo people finally submitted their claim to the test, resulting in a very sad (yet not entirely un-amusing) video of the proceedings. Wasted lives, indeed. I'm only glad that no one was seriously hurt during the test. Here is the correspondence which preceded the test, beginning...
  5. K


    A test has been conducted. The applicant failed. You probably all know the Yellow Bamboo Baloney. Here is the link to the test. I hope it works as well for you as it did for me. http://members.iinet.net.au/~ftrust/ (Edited by Darat to correct URL.)
  6. P

    Yellow Bamboo Challenge

    Hey CFLarsen, I live in Sweden, since you live in Denmark we maybe could meet and do a Yellow Bamboo test, to see if it is possible to defend against an attacker without physical touch. Could you come to Sweden or should we come to Denmark? best regards Peter Semjonow www.yellowbamboo.net
  7. C

    Yellow Bamboo: The notarized agreement

    I have received an image of the purported notarized agreement from Yellow Bamboo. I have cut away the surroundings - the letter was placed on a bed with a quilt. There are several clues as to why I think this is a hoax. I have never - ever - seen anybody sign his last name with caps only. I...
  8. Y

    bamboo randi contract

    Okay some people have said that mr randi claims there is no contract with yellow bamboo- we have never heard this but many people have asked for a copy of the contract. We tried to attach a photo of it but there is an error message sying its too big will someone pls email me at yellowbamboo.com...
  9. Linda

    Notice from Randi re Yellow Bamboo

    There are so many threads in this forum on Yellow Bamboo, I figure it's best to start a new one. Randi has responded to the questions and covers it both below and in his commentary to be posted tomorrow. From: Randi To: Linda Post this on the forum in response to the YB objections…. Briefly...
  10. Y

    open letter to james randi

    Open letter to James Randi Please be advised that in your latest weekly commentary 26 September 2003 there are quite a number of innaccuracies. Since we believe you are sincere in your efforts we would like to point just a few of the many wrong points you raise. 1. You claim that your...
  11. K

    Yellow Bamboo - The Movie

    Well, I might as well kick this off... Alongside the video, Randi hints that he might've figured out what's happening: "There are a number of clues in what I've already seen ... see if you come to the tentative conclusion that I have". I've watched the (rather poor) video a few times: man runs...
  12. Jeff Corey

    Yellow Bamboo

    Randi reports that someone who went to Bali to test the claim that the Yellow Bamboo people can make a person fall down by shouting, actually fell down during the test. Maybe it was just falling down and rolling on the ground from laughter.
  13. D

    Yellow Bamboo

    I have been absent from here for a while and I was looking at back issues of the weekly commentary. I read about the proposed OMD challenge by the Yellow Bamboo sect in Indonesia, which had agreed a test protocol. Did this go ahead? If so, what happened?
  14. Y

    "Yellow Bamboo" Martial Arts Group

    In Mr. Randi's most recent commentary he wrote about a group who was going to use their magic powers to knock down "attackers" to the ground from a distance before they can touch them with a bamboo stick. I will say that if I had the money, I would gladly be a volunteer so I can go and whack...
  15. G

    Yellow Bamboo and Rec.Martial-Arts

    I emailed this to Mr. Randi and the JREF also: Maybe you've already heard about this, but the group Yellow Bamboo is again posting to the newsgroup rec.martial-arts, which can be found here: http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&group=rec.martial-arts and they are talking about...

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