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The Trump Presidency: Part 20

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Self Employed , Remittance Man
Nov 15, 2009
It's also not fair to RBG, an 86 year old multiple cancer survivor, to not be able to enjoy her remaining years after decades public service because... well sorry lady but we accidently put the entire future hope of us continuing to have a fully functioning democracy on your shoulders, sorry about that, our bad, if you'd just be so kind to work until you drop that would be super.

Continued from this thread.

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Posted By: zooterkin
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Yeah but hindsight is 20/20.

People were calling for her to retire at the time. Her health was already frail.

Clarence Thomas filled the seat of liberal legend Thurgood Marshall because of declining health in 1991. The Republicans have an explicit and long-running project of shifting the judiciary right and everyone knows it. The Republicans make appointing judges an explicit part of every relevant election they run.

Having an exit strategy isn't hindsight, it's part of the job of a lifetime appointment.

Republicans understand how the game is played. Democrats need to smarten up.
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I loved the news anchor's question to the reporter this morning: "What did the President say, and what's true?"
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Trump Tweets

This is what happens to someone who loyally gets appointed Attorney General of the United States & then doesn’t have the wisdom or courage to stare down & end the phony Russia Witch Hunt. Recuses himself on FIRST DAY in office, and the Mueller Scam begins
Unbelievable. Trump bitching about Sessions after more than 3 years. What a cess pit his mind must be.
Unbelievable. Trump bitching about Sessions after more than 3 years. What a cess pit his mind must be.

It's hard to point to a "worst quality" in Trump, but for me his weirdest bad quality will always been how much of a sore winner he is.

Having Trump as President is like having a weird Bizarro-version of that stereotypical crazy girlfriend who is always bringing up fights you had months and years ago... except Trump does it with things he won and is still equally angry about it for... reasons and there's not even the upside of there being any political equivalent to makeup sex.
It's hard to point to a "worst quality" in Trump, but for me his weirdest bad quality will always been how much of a sore winner he is.

Having Trump as President is like having a weird Bizarro-version of that stereotypical crazy girlfriend who is always bringing up fights you had months and years ago... except Trump does it with things he won and is still equally angry about it for... reasons and there's not even the upside of there being any political equivalent to makeup sex.

It's one of the common presentations of the mental illness we're pretending Trump can't be diagnosed with.
It's about time for D's to wake up to the reality of the partisan SCOTUS. Republicans have long ago abandoned the polite fiction of the impartial court.

The machine really failed in RGB. There should have been a concerted effort to have her retire during the Obama era and replaced with young, healthy justice
Yeah but Moscow Mitch would've found some excuse to not consider her replacement's nomination.
There were years in the Obama presidency in which the Senate was controlled by a Democratic majority.
Keep in mind that the only time that Obama had a senate majority was in the first 2 years of his term. Ginsburg would have been ~76 at the time. Still pretty old, but still younger than most of the remaining Democratic candidates.
Unbelievable. Trump bitching about Sessions after more than 3 years. What a cess pit his mind must be.

He's got an election coming up. Needs to remind the less fervent Republicans that they pay a price for not pleasing him.
The problem is we let "experience" turn "age" into a dump-stat for certain position.

Sure we all people sitting on the SCOTUS bench who didn't fall off the turnip truck on the way to their first rodeo yesterday, but no offense I don't think we have to wait until a person is 60+ to even consider them "experienced" even for a job as high as the Supreme Court. I'm fine with someone with 15-20 years of high court experience being put on the Supreme Court, all other factors being equal. You don't have to be a senior citizen to achieve that standard.

This is, as noted, something the Republicans understand a lot better than the Dems do. Kavanaugh and Gorsuch give them a force multiplier in politics that's going to be in place for a good long while.
Trump Tweets

This is what happens to someone who loyally gets appointed Attorney General of the United States & then doesn’t have the wisdom or courage to stare down & end the phony Russia Witch Hunt. Recuses himself on FIRST DAY in office, and the Mueller Scam begins
Unbelievable. Trump bitching about Sessions after more than 3 years. What a cess pit his mind must be.
Its also incredibly foolish, considering Sessions has a decent chance to win both the Republican nomination and the senate seat. Given the chance that the Democrats might actually flip a couple of seats in the senate, the Republican majority might be reduced. Probably not smart to piss off someone who's vote you might need in congress.
Its also incredibly foolish, considering Sessions has a decent chance to win both the Republican nomination and the senate seat. Given the chance that the Democrats might actually flip a couple of seats in the senate, the Republican majority might be reduced. Probably not smart to piss off someone who's vote you might need in congress.

Trump figures worse he might end up with is another Susan Collins, someone who will always make a big pointless show of disagreeing with him but always vote his way when it matters.

Trump doesn't care how many enemies he makes of the Republicans, he cares how many functioning effective obstacles he has.
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Trump figures worse he might end up with is another Susan Collins, someone who will always make a big pointless show of disagreeing with him but always vote his way when it matters.

Or. And I’m just spitballing here.

Or, he doesn’t think about anything beyond the next 24-48 hours, so he doesn’t consider whether or not he’ll need the vote in the future.

Or. He hinks he is so powerful that his followers would not vote for someone who Donald Trump has put on The List.

Or. As has been mentioned upthread, he is constitutionally incapable of acting any other way, so to compare his actions to those of a rational, knowledgeable, politically-experienced person is a fool’s errand.
Trump figures worse he might end up with is another Susan Collins, someone who will always make a big pointless show of disagreeing with him but always vote his way when it matters.

Trump doesn't care how many enemies he makes of the Republicans, he cares how many functioning effective obstacles he has.
I would almost say the best case scenario is that Sessions would win the election as a republican, and then immediately decide to sit as an independent, often voting along with the majority of the republicans, but voting against them just enough to give Moscow Mitch and Stubby McBonespurs nightmares.

(I can't way this is really the best case scenario, since it means the democrats lose a senate seat. But perhaps best given the current circumstances.
Unbelievable. Trump bitching about Sessions after more than 3 years. What a cess pit his mind must be.

God, the guy is incredibly vindictive.
I think people are generally hypocrites when it comes to revenge:everybody condemns it but everybody likes to get even; but Donnie takes it to extremes.
Watching Sessions suck up to Trump while being attacked by him at the same time is just pathetic.
Trump Tweets

I NEVER said people that are feeling sick should go to work. This is just more Fake News and disinformation put out by the Democrats, in particular MSDNC. Comcast covers the CoronaVirus situation horribly, only looking to do harm to the incredible & successful effort being made!

“I want to commend the President for how he has handled the CoronaVirus situation, especially his early decision to shut down access into our Country from China, despite strong opposition to that decision.” @SenTomCotton Thank you Tom!

With approximately 100,000 CoronaVirus cases worldwide, and 3,280 deaths, the United States, because of quick action on closing our borders, has, as of now, only 129 cases (40 Americans brought in) and 11 deaths. We are working very hard to keep these numbers as low as possible!
Trump Tweets

As per recent Federal Court ruling, the Federal Government will be withholding funds from Sanctuary Cities. They should change their status and go non-Sanctuary. Do not protect criminals!

Schumer has brought great danger to the steps of the United States Supreme Court!

@GOPLeader Kevin McCarthy informed me that I was 20 for 20 on Tuesday with respect to my Endorsement of candidates. Sadly, I didn’t get that information from the Fake News Media. They don’t report those things, or the far more than Dems cumulative votes, despite no opposition!

Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren, who was going nowhere except into Mini Mike’s head, just dropped out of the Democrat Primary...THREE DAYS TOO LATE. She cost Crazy Bernie, at least, Massachusetts, Minnesota and Texas. Probably cost him the nomination! Came in third in Mass.
God, the guy is incredibly vindictive.
I think people are generally hypocrites when it comes to revenge:everybody condemns it but everybody likes to get even; but Donnie takes it to extremes.

It's what the christians love about him. Sticking it to the libs like Sessions. Just like Jesus would.
Trump declared live on Hannity on Wednesday night that he did not believe the assessment of the global death rate from coronavirus of 3.4%.

I think the 3.4% is really a false number, now, this is just my hunch based on a lot of conversations with a lot of people that do this, because a lot of people will have this, and it’s very mild – they’ll get better very rapidly, they don’t even see a doctor, they don’t even call a doctor.
You never hear about those people, so you can’t put them down in the category of the overall population, in terms of this corona flu, and or virus. So you just can’t do that.
You know, all of a sudden it seems like 3 or 4%, which is a very high number, as opposed to a fraction of 1%,
But again, they don’t know about the easy cases because the easy cases don’t go to the hospital. They don’t report to doctors or the hospital in many cases. So I think that that number is very high. I think the number, personally, I would say the number is way under 1%.
Trump declared live on Hannity on Wednesday night that he did not believe the assessment of the global death rate from coronavirus of 3.4%.

Trump said:
I think the number, personally, I would say the number is way under 1%.

I think personally that there's a 100% chance that he pulled that number from his ass.
Watching Sessions suck up to Trump while being attacked by him at the same time is just pathetic.

Reminds me of some descriptions of the behavior of some of Stalin's ministers when criticsed by Uncle Joe.
Trump is proving the wisdom of a common policy in businesses;Never put a Salesman in any top management position except for head of sales. They never deal well with reality, think you can solve everything by a clever ad campaign,and hate making hard decisions.
I would almost say the best case scenario is that Sessions would win the election as a republican, and then immediately decide to sit as an independent, often voting along with the majority of the republicans, but voting against them just enough to give Moscow Mitch and Stubby McBonespurs nightmares.

Why would Senator Sessions sometimes breaking ranks give President Trump nightmares?
God, the guy is incredibly vindictive.
I think people are generally hypocrites when it comes to revenge:everybody condemns it but everybody likes to get even; but Donnie takes it to extremes.

But did Sessions do anything deserving of revenge on any form? He recused himself from an investigation. Normal people understand that for folks to have faith in the justice system, people who are among those being investigated, or about to be investigated, should not have power over the investigators.

The problem is that President Trump doesn’t understand that loyalty to the Constitution and loyalty to the country must outweigh loyalty to the president. Because he cannot conceive of anything more worthy of loyalty than himself, he considers any action other than intensely blinding loyalty to himself the equivalent of treason. Thus, he unashamedly admires North Korea. What could be more satisfying that executing one’s real and imagined enemies with no thought to due process?
But did Sessions do anything deserving of revenge on any form? He recused himself from an investigation. Normal people understand that for folks to have faith in the justice system, people who are among those being investigated, or about to be investigated, should not have power over the investigators.

The problem is that President Trump doesn’t understand that loyalty to the Constitution and loyalty to the country must outweigh loyalty to the president. Because he cannot conceive of anything more worthy of loyalty than himself, he considers any action other than intensely blinding loyalty to himself the equivalent of treason. Thus, he unashamedly admires North Korea. What could be more satisfying that executing one’s real and imagined enemies with no thought to due process?

Gee isn't this the kind of thing we fought the revolution to get rid of?
Trump Tweets

“Joe Biden represents the past. President Trump represents the future.”
@LisaMarieBoothe @edhenry @FoxNews
Gee isn't this the kind of thing we fought the revolution to get rid of?
Who's "we?" We didn't do ****, which is why the slime who voted for Trump could feel so comfortable voting for the worst president in our history.
Who's "we?" We didn't do ****, which is why the slime who voted for Trump could feel so comfortable voting for the worst president in our history.

I was talking about the American Revolution....you know, the one in 1776...
Stock Market went into the crapper again, losing everything it made up yesterday due to the Biden Bounce...….
How long until Donnie begins to attack Wall Street over this?
It is here folks;the moment many of us have been dreading:A genuine, real , lives at stake crisis for Donald Trump, and Trump is screwing it up loyally.
I was talking about the American Revolution....you know, the one in 1776...
I'm well aware, and my point (which I suspect you understood) was that in this day and age the [white] freedom for which those people fought is treated frivolously by those who use their votes purely as a means to service their petty, narrow agendas.

In my family, for many years, it was never a given which party would get our votes in a presidential election. Why? Because the priority was to vote for the better human being to represent everyone, right, left, center, etc. That's not to say it always worked out that way, but it was still the goal. If everyone looked at it that way, Trump wouldn't have had a chance at winning a party's nomination, let alone winning a national election.

ETA: The only reason I use the past tense is that there is no way in hell any of the sensible members of my family would vote Republican right now.
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It is here folks;the moment many of us have been dreading:A genuine, real , lives at stake crisis for Donald Trump, and Trump is screwing it up loyally.

Nonsense! The Great Trump is loyal to no man!
It is here folks;the moment many of us have been dreading:A genuine, real , lives at stake crisis for Donald Trump, and Trump is screwing it up loyally.

I don't know if that's a typo or not, but I like it!
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