The problem I see here is this:
The only people showing any degree of interest in this are the left-over 9/11 Truthers. In other words, people who are, by definition, essentially wrong about 9/11 AND also incorrigible.
This is, in part, because Truthers have for so many years spread such stupid, crazy stories that no one else can be arsed to look into their latest stuff.
So even IF there was something significant to this story (or any other that may pop up in the future), no one will give a damn.
The 9/11 Truth Movement has done a lot to ensure that no one will ever be held responsible for failing to stop 9/11.
You wrote:
"The only people showing any degree of interest in this are the left-over 9/11 Truthers. In other words, people who are, by definition, essentially wrong about 9/11 AND also incorrigible."
No one has ever shown anything I have posted was wrong, EVER! You are posting your opinion, which had never been backed up with any facts from credible sources, what so ever. And you even post your completely erroneous opinion as if were established fact, which it is not. What is even more telling is that no one on this forum can explain in any way, the actions at the CIA and the FBI HQ's prior to the attacks on 9/11.
Let me repeat what I posted in an earlier post:
"On August 21, 2001, an FBI IOS Agent at the CIA, Margarete Gillespie is told by the INS, that both Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi, are inside of the US, and immediately gives this horrific information to the Deputy Chief of the FBI HQ’s ITOS unit, Tom Wilshere. Wilshere knows immediately that these terrorists are inside of the US in order to take part in the terrorist attack, that the CIA and FBI had been getting warnings about since April 2001. Wilshere in an email back to Blee, Black and Tenet on July 23, 2001, described Khalid al-Mihdhar as an al Qaeda terrorist who would be found at the location of the next big al Qaeda terrorist attack and who was connected to the Cole bombing. Gillespie brings this horrific information back to the CIA and their top management on August 22, 2001.
One day later, on August 23, 2001, the Director of the CIA, along with many of the top CIA managers, are told that Minneapolis FBI has arrested a suspected terrorist, Zacharias Moussaoui, trying to get training on a Boing 747, without even having a private pilot’s license. Minneapolis FBI asked the CIA for urgent help to get information, that would allow them to get a FISA search warrant for Moussaoui’s duffel bag and computer. In spite of knowing that a huge al Qaeda terrorist attack was just about to take place inside of the US. Tenet, who even then clearly knew that al Qaeda terrorists, Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi , were already inside of the US , in order to take part in this attack, as did 50-60 other people at the CIA, not only kept this information completely secret from the FBI, but refused to give the Minneapolis FBI agents any help at all, dooming their investigation, and allowing the attacks on 9/11 to take place.
For three week prior to the attacks on 9/11, the CIA and their top managers had all of the information that they needed to have prevent the attacks on 9/11, if they had wanted to prevent this attack, and not only did nothing to stop this attack, but had actually ordered Tom Wilshere, twice in July 2001, to sabotage the FBI Cole bombing investigators by withholding the information from them which the CIA had known since January 4, 2001, that Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi had taken part in the planning of the Cole bombing, with the mastermind of this attack, Walid bin Attash at the Kuala Lumpur al Qaeda planning meeting on January 6-8, 2000.
For three weeks and one day, Tom Wilshere, Deputy Chief of the FBI ITOS unit at FBI HQ’s had enough information, while not all of the information that CIA had on the method and the targets, that he could have used to prevent the attacks on 9/11 had he not carried out the CIA orders that he had been given in July, 2001, to criminally sabotage the investigation of the FBI Cole bombing investigators, who had wanted to find Mihdhar and Hazmi before they had time to carry out this huge al Qaeda terrorist attack.
Tom Wilshere, had been the CIA spy moved over to the FBI ITOS unit, in mid-May 2001, to find out what the FBI Cole bombing investigators knew about Mihdhar and Hazmi, and did they know that these two al Qaeda terrorists had taken part in the planning of the Cole bombing. In an email exchange with Michael Maltbie on August 24, 2001, Wilshere found out that Maltbie and Frasca were sabotaging FBI Agent Harry Samit’s investigation of Zacharias Moussaoui. In spite of knowing at this time that both Mihdhar and Hazmi were inside of the US in order to take part in a horrific al Qaeda terrorist attack, Wilshere keeps this horrific information on Mihdhar and Hazmi completely secret not only from Maltbie, but also from FBI Cole bombing investigator Steve Bongardt, as well, information that would clearly have allowed Samit to get a search warrant for Moussaoui’s duffel bag, and allowed Bongardt to proceed with a criminal investigation and find Mihdhar and Hazmi before they had time to take part in the attacks on 9/11.
The CIA even knew the “when” for the attacks on 9/11, the approximate date when the attacks on 9/11 were going to take place. A website in London, called “Al Quds, Al Arabi”, run by Abdel Atwan, a professed good friend of Usama bin Laden, reported on this web site 3 weeks prior to the attacks on 9/11, that bin Laden had sent him a communication that stated that the US was just about to experience a “big surprise”. Everyone knew a “big surprise” was in fact a code word for terrorist attack. This information was so widely known that reporter Kattie Couric, reported this very information live on MSNBC, less than one hour after the South Tower collapsed on 9/11.
It is clear that the CIA had the “who”, the “what”, the “where”, and even the “when” for the attacks on 9/11. The FBI clearly had the “who”, and general information on the “what” and the “when”, but still more than enough information that indicated that al Qaeda terrorists Mihdhar and Hazmi were in the US in order to take part in a massive al Qaeda terrorist attack. After all it was Tom Wilshere's email back to the managers at the CIA, on July 23, 2001, that stated that Mihdhar would be found at the location of the next big al Qaeda terrorist attack. Had the CIA and/or the FBI wanted to prevent the attacks on 9/11, they clearly had more than enough information to have done this."
Now if you think I am wrong, you or anyone else on this forum can answer the following questions, answers that so far have never been and I am sure will never be forth coming.
When Tenet knew on August 22, 2001, that Mihdhar and Hazmi were inside of the US in order to take part in al Qaeda terrorist attack, why did they not warn anyone, absolutely no one, who could have prevented these attacks from taking place? Why did Tenet not rescind his order to Tom Wilshere, to criminally sabotage Steve Bongardt's criminal investigation of Mihdhar and Hazmi by refusing to give him permission to pass the Kuala Lumpur information, and the fact that Mihdhar and Hazmi had taken part in the planning of the Cole bombing at Kuala Lumpur al Qaeda planning meeting with Walid bin Attash?
On August 23, 2001, one day later, Tenet and in fact many of the top managers at the CIA found out or already knew, that Zacharias Moussaoui, described as a Islamic extremist, had been arrested by Minneapolis FBI. Minneapolis FBI agents had requested help from the CIA, for information that they could use as probable cause in order to get a FISA warrant for Moussaoui’s duffle bag and computer. Tenet, and the rest of the CIA refused to do anything, anything at all, to help the Minneapolis FBI agents in any way, in spite of the fact that Tenet had just found out the day before that both Mihdhar and Hazmi were inside of the US, in order to take part in the al Qaeda terrorist attack that the CIA and FBI had been getting warnings about since April 2001. The August 6 Presidential daily briefing papers over seen by Tenet, had already described a possible hijacking of commercial aircraft to be used to attack buildings located in Manhattan. Why did Tenet and the other people at the CIA, who had been made aware of Zacharias Moussaoui, and knew that al Qaeda terrorists, Mihdhar and Hazmi, were inside of the US in order to take part in a massive al Qaeda terrorist attack that would cause mass US casualties, not give the Minneapolis FBI agents the information that knew about this huge al Qaeda terrorist attack and knew Mihdhar and Hazmi in the US in order to take part in this attack?
Why did the CIA spy, Tom Wilshere, who had been moved from the CIA to the FBI ITOS unit in mid-May, and put in charge of all investigations of al Qaeda terrorists, not give Maltbie the information that al Qaeda terrorists, Mihdhar and Hazmi, were inside of the US in order to take part in a massive al Qaeda terrorist attack that would cause mass US casualties, when he was in email communication with Maltbie on August 24, 2001, and found out that Maltbie and Frasca were sabotaging FBI Agent Harry Samit’s investigation of Moussaoui? Wilshere had been made aware of this information on Mihdhar and Hazmi on August 21, 2001, 3 days earlier by FBI Agent Margarete Gillespie, an FBI agent who was working at the bin Laden station at the CIA.
You and all of the rest of the “debunkers” have never been able to even begin to explain this, in any way. You have all failed completely, and every one of your pathetic explanations or non-explantions can be summed up in your words, in your own snarky post #30,
What a load of old horsecock!
You and all of the other debunkers, not only have never even begin explained any of these inexplicable actions by people at the CIA, but you never will, and by completely failing to explain this, you conclusively prove my point. Let me repeat this very important point, “by completely failing to explain why the CIA withheld material information from these two important FBI investigations of al Qaeda terrorists found inside of the US, information that would have prevented the attacks on 9/11, you conclusively prove my point “ that it was deliberate actions by managers at the CIA and by agents at the FBI who had been corrupted by the CIA, and who shut down these investigations under orders by the CIA, that had allowed the al Qaeda terrorists to carry out the attacks on 9/11.