Continued from here.
Posted By: LashL
So it was all just a big, whopping coincidence. Let's see:
* Brading goes to New Orleans a few weeks before the assassination and "just happens" to use an office next to the office of Mafia kingpin Carlos Marcello's attorney, and by "sheer coincidence" David Ferrie frequently visited that same office. Gosh, figure the odds, hey?
* Brading, two days before the assassination, travels to Dallas with--whaddaya know!--four Mafia guys.
* Brading and his Mafia buddies check into the same hotel where, the very next day, Jack Ruby meets Lawrence Myers. Wow, cosmic "chance" again!
* Brading and his Mafia pals visit the Hunt office the same day that Jack Ruby does. Humm, figure the odds that Brading and Ruby would "just happen" to visit the same hotel and then go to the same office building and visit the same office within 24 hours.
* Brading is not only in Dealey Plaza during the shooting, but he goes into the Dal-Tex Building, the same building from which a number of witnesses believed shots were fired--and when asked what he was doing in Dealey Plaza and why he entered the Dal-Tex Building, Brading gives answers that a rookie detective could spot as implausible and suspect, not to mention contradictory.
You must be kidding to dismiss all of this evidence as mere chance. But to believe in the lone-gunman theory, you have no choice but to do so.
Please name the verifiable Dealey Plaza witnesses [plural] that thought shots came from the TSBD. Citations would be nice.
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