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top five arguments against astrology


Apr 26, 2004
If you had a chance to present your best five facts or arguments to a believer in astrology, what would be the best and most convincing arguments?

Recently I found myself debating a woman who is a believer. I mentioned something about the new planetoid Sedna being discovered recently, and that "astrologers" were now taking its motion into account when preparing their "charts."

"Does that mean all their predictions were wrong before they found out about Sedna?" I asked.

The woman couldn't answer that.
Well, my #1 problem with astrology has always been that they calculate your horoscope from the time of birth, but it seems like the time of conception--the time when the two units of DNA actually combine to make a third, separate, brand-new individual--would make more sense.

My #2 quibble is that it's always so vague. If it really does work, why can't they be more accurate? I mean, I'm not asking for lottery numbers or anything, but telling me...
"Good things can happen in your dreams and while you're asleep.... Go with the flow. Be creative and sexy. Enjoy top notch professional entertainment.... Your genuine respect can have miraculous effects.... Be courageous, daring and sexy. Develop your sense of fair play.... Work to become simultaneously open-minded and focused.... The surprise factor is strong. Create an immediate burst of initiative. Get a new sense of proportion. Change your frame of reference.... Control of others does not bring you safety, success or satisfaction. Self-control and self-transformation is helpful.
...just isn't real helpful. What I wanna know is, should I keep the job I have, or switch to the one that I was just offered? Should I stay in the house today, or is it safe to go out? I need advice, not meaningless New Age self-help psychobabble.
What is their reason/cop-out for #1?

As far as the Sedna thing, I haven't heard it yet, but I suspect the "answer" to my question will probably go something like this: "Well, now that they know about Sedna, astrologers will be even more accurate..."

Exposer said:
What is their reason/cop-out for #1?

As far as the Sedna thing, I haven't heard it yet, but I suspect the "answer" to my question will probably go something like this: "Well, now that they know about Sedna, astrologers will be even more accurate..."


Considering that astrology goes back millenia, they might as well say the same thing about Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.

And they have. Horoscopes now include those, so how accurate was astrology during the millenia prior to the 19th century?

That is to say, when astrology was formulated. Not to mention the precession of the equinoxes which was the mystery of Mithra.

We're really talking about cold readings plus a particular system of mumbo jumbo.

In terms of gravitation, we are more subject to some of the larger members of the asteroid belt than Pluto. Which is not saying much.

Show me the horoscope with Ceres and Vesta.
Abdul Alhazred said:

In terms of gravitation, we are more subject to some of the larger members of the asteroid belt than Pluto. Which is not saying much.

Show me the horoscope with Ceres and Vesta.

Yeah. :D

I would like to use this thread to put together a final top five or top ten brief bullet-point arguments that are sure to shatter of the little fantasy world of astrology fans.
I can't remember where I read it, but I remember an article saying (to show how ludicrous astrology is) to the effect of substitute airplanes for the planets, and to get an accurate horoscope, you figure out where all the planes in the world were when you were born. In my experience, the believer would usually say, "That's ridiculous!" I shrug my shoulders and say, "No difference between that and 'legit' astrology."
My simple question is : "How does it work?"

What force or spirit is guiding your personality and the day-to-day occurrances that astrology indicates?

Gravity? Nope, nearby objects have more effect
Movement? Nope. Same reason.
Light? Nope. Same reason.

I've also made the same argument as Goshawk about how all the signs are nine months off because it is conception when more of your features are decided than at any other time.

I mentioned this to one of my wife's pagan friends who is into astrology, and she said it had to do with passage through the birth canal. "So people born by ceasarian section don't have horoscopes?" I asked. That sort of stumped her.

A slow gyration of the earth's axis around the pole of the ecliptic, caused mainly by the gravitational pull of the sun, moon, and other planets on the earth's equatorial bulge.

has completly buggered up their precious star charts.
About Sedna, Pluto, and Uranus: Neither of these planets have yet completed an orbit while astrologers have worked with them (I'm not sure about Neptune, but I suspect we can include that, too). So how can they know what influence they have? How can they claim that having Pluto in this or that position has some specified effect, when this has never been observed before? From where do they claim to get such information?

MRC_Hans said:
About Sedna, Pluto, and Uranus: Neither of these planets have yet completed an orbit while astrologers have worked with them (I'm not sure about Neptune, but I suspect we can include that, too). So how can they know what influence they have? How can they claim that having Pluto in this or that position has some specified effect, when this has never been observed before? From where do they claim to get such information?

Mathematics, of course. Duh.
Tricky has the best answer - get them to say how they think it works, then point out that local objects have much more effect.

Eventually you'll either convince them, or back them into a corner where they say "I don't know how it works, it just does". Like my sister did. There's really no answer to that.

The president of the the British Astrological Association is on record saying:

No astrologer believes that lumps of rock or gas in the sky exert an influence on life on earth,with the exceptions of the sun and moon.Astrology is best understood as the study of the relationship between different patterns,chiefly planetary cycles and events on earth.

So it has nothing to do with the stars at all, it's just to do with things on Earth?!... In other words, they make it up as they go along.
Or... astrology works by tapping into our shared subconcious / latent physic abilties / alien implants. The maths is merely a tool to allow the practioner to access what she/he already knows. Therefore whatever information the practioner uses will reveal the right answer, as long as they believe in it.

There's always an answer.
Well,astrology doesn't really take in in the closest and most important star- the sun.

Constellations are basically arbitrarily chosen chosen stars connected by imaginary lines- they have no real relationship to each other.

Of millions (or more) of possible combinations, only 12 or so (or 88, or whatever) are popularly used.

The 'attributes' ascribed to the various planets are also arbitrary.

Somebody already mentioned the progression of the equinoxes.

The 'houses' used by astrologers vary- some bigger, some smaller- again just arbitrary.

Hey, if you sere born very slowly, would your head be ab areis and your feet pisces?
Here's my question.

We know that astrology has been around for thousands of years. We also know that the people who lived thousands of years ago, and who presumably invented astrology, had little understanding of the way the world really worked. They had little understanding of medicine, geology, astronomy, chemistry, agriculture, physics . . . the list goes on. Finally, proponents will say that the mechanisms of astrology are "inexplicable and mysterious."


It boggles the mind.

(The same goes for them figuring out we have a soul, something undetectable by modern scientists. And yet they figured it out. Yeah right.)
Tricky said:
I mentioned this to one of my wife's pagan friends who is into astrology, and she said it had to do with passage through the birth canal.
So that means that vaginas are somehow directly linked to the cosmos. That's gonna put a lot of things that happen on Babylon 5 in a whole new light. :eek:

The zodiac as we know it was set down by Ptolemy. Because of precession, the signs have all shifted by one. So if today is your birthday, you might think you are a Taurus, but you're really an Aries!
Ask an astrologer to explain how it was that primitive peoples were able to differentiate the points up in the sky as being either planets, stars or whole galaxies--just with the naked eye?

And how some of the things they saw in the sky may not actually been there when they saw it? A star they were busy observing may have actually exploded a couple thousand years ago but because of its distance, the evidence of its demise hadn't reached the earth yet.

And how is it since the constellations are not in the same place in the sky as they were 2,500 years ago, they maintain that what was perceived in the sky all those years ago still holds true today? What, the stars never move?

I won't even get into the wildly divergent attributes given to the same sign by different astrologers. I guess if they all throw enough excrement on the wall, eventually, something's got to stick,

As somebody who has debated astrologers for some years now, I can safely say that none of you are not even beginning to scratch the surface of this particular brand of supernatural belief.

The deeper you go, the more ridiculous their beliefs get. Dig deep, and their explanations become more and more desperate.
Challenge them. Give them the twelve horoscopes from todays paper, cut out and numbered so they don't know which is which, and ask them tomorrow which one applied. Do this for a week and count their hits/misses. Challenge them to do it for a month.

Don't argue on the how or why's. Challenge them to show that it works first. Then, when they've done that, they can explain it.

I know this won't do squat to convince them, but at least when they talk to you about it you can look smug and say you have not seen evidence of it working.

I've always wondered if all the newspapers have the same horoscope in them. I guess I could read a couple and see.
Gods Advocate said:
I've always wondered if all the newspapers have the same horoscope in them. I guess I could read a couple and see.
My horoscope for yesterday, from this site, was, as above--
Good things can happen in your dreams and while you're asleep.... Go with the flow. Be creative and sexy. Enjoy top notch professional entertainment.... Your genuine respect can have miraculous effects.... Be courageous, daring and sexy. Develop your sense of fair play.... Work to become simultaneously open-minded and focused.... The surprise factor is strong. Create an immediate burst of initiative. Get a new sense of proportion. Change your frame of reference.... Control of others does not bring you safety, success or satisfaction. Self-control and self-transformation is helpful.
Today's horoscope is basically the same.
You are ready for the new and unusual. Expect non-conformity and excitement. Offer something better, faster, cheaper, or more efficient.... Go with the flow. Be creative and sexy. Enjoy top notch professional entertainment.... Your genuine respect can have miraculous effects.... Be courageous, daring and sexy. Develop your sense of fair play.... Work to become simultaneously open-minded and focused.... The surprise factor is strong. Create an immediate burst of initiative. Get a new sense of proportion. Change your frame of reference.... Control of others does not bring you safety, success or satisfaction. Self-control and self-transformation is helpful.
And if I rearrange them a bit, I get identical lists for yesterday and today. All they've changed is the first sentence; the rest is identical.

Good things can happen in your dreams and while you're asleep.

Go with the flow.
Be creative and sexy.
Enjoy top notch professional entertainment.
Your genuine respect can have miraculous effects.
Be courageous, daring and sexy.
Develop your sense of fair play.
Work to become simultaneously open-minded and focused.
The surprise factor is strong.
Create an immediate burst of initiative.
Get a new sense of proportion.
Change your frame of reference.
Control of others does not bring you safety, success or satisfaction.
Self-control and self-transformation is helpful.

You are ready for the new and unusual.
Expect non-conformity and excitement.
Offer something better, faster, cheaper, or more efficient.

Go with the flow.
Be creative and sexy.
Enjoy top notch professional entertainment
Your genuine respect can have miraculous effects
Be courageous, daring and sexy.
Develop your sense of fair play
Work to become simultaneously open-minded and focused.
The surprise factor is strong.
Create an immediate burst of initiative.
Get a new sense of proportion.
Change your frame of reference.
Control of others does not bring you safety, success or satisfaction.
Self-control and self-transformation is helpful.
I notice they've got a couple of disclaimers that says their readings are good for for anywhere from one day to several months (they split it up into "Inner Planets" and "Outer Planets").

Now, I thought that the whole point of having a "daily" horoscope in the first place was that as the planets change every day, so does their influence on your behavior. So what's the deal with this long-term horoscope? Is it like putting those blue dissolving tablets in your toilet tank, so you can go for 4 months without having to scrub it? "Use our horoscope, and you won't have to look again for two months"?
I was thinking more about grabbing five horoscopes for today from five different sources and seeing how they compare.

I'm too lazy to do it though.

I still like Dirk Gently's horoscope ;)
First five free ones from here:

April 26 - May 2
New events may go a long way this week to healing any issues that you still have around dear old mom, Gems. Something abundant is on its way down the path to you. Could be material, or just emotional. But either way, it has the power to really help you let go of the past and move on. It's a great time to make some serious changes, so don't let this opportunity pass you by. Embrace this chance and make the most of it.
Positive aspect: You will have unexpected good fortune and lucky opportunities. Your professional life will change considerably for the better. You will need to move about, will be highly active - all this with a spirit of adventure and freedom. You will be ready for any change, development, unaccustomed or special new activity. Your life won't be monotonous.
Avoid scandals of any sort. Check your project over carefully if you were not the only one contributing to the end result. If they want help that's great, but if they try to take credit for your work, you will have to set them straight.
Involvement in clubs, social organizations, or any other group to which you belong is likely to be a focus at this time. You may be asked to take responsibility or even a leadership role or to contribute and participate more fully than you have in the past. You will enjoy being part of a team or group effort now. Being part of a community or circle of friends and building your social network is important to you at this time.
Don't let peers distract you or push their work your way. Leave your checkbook and credit cards at home. Try to be a bit more understanding or you may end up spending the evening alone.
"You will have unexpected good fortune and lucky opportunities" doesn't go too well with "be a bit more understanding or you may end up spending the evening alone", does it?

Seriously (seriously?? :p ) "being a part of community is important to you at this time" is really not much help .......
richardm said:

Eventually you'll either convince them, or back them into a corner where they say "I don't know how it works, it just does". Like my sister did. There's really no answer to that.

At this point, you should offer to sell them a rock that keeps tigers away.
Ipecac said:
We know that astrology has been around for thousands of years. We also know that the people who lived thousands of years ago, and who presumably invented astrology, had little understanding of the way the world really worked. They had little understanding of medicine, geology, astronomy, chemistry, agriculture, physics . . . the list goes on. Finally, proponents will say that the mechanisms of astrology are "inexplicable and mysterious."

Aha, you are so right. This is one of the key problems with Astrology, I agree. How did they figure it all out? I have asked several people that question, and they all say there are ancient texts that explain it, but no one has yet been able to come up with one. Although several have promised to do so.

In my view, this is one of the (two) best approaches for debunking astrology. Ask them how all these detailed rules were worked out. How did the ancients figure it all out? Because, if you can't explain how they worked it out then it must be just made up. And it is one of the best ways to approach it because they will never be able to demonstrate how it was worked out. That is because it was just made up. Of course, people who don't believe in the scientific method won't be impressed by this.

The other approach, and IMO an even more compelling one, is that it doesn't work! But you will need to work hard to get anyone to listen to this. For all the believers' criticisms of skeptics being "closed minded", you won't find a more closed minded group than believers in astrology. They are completely closed-minded to any evidence that it doesn't work.

Anyway, this is what you have to do. You have to explain that people think it works for two basis reasons, namely:

The Forer Effect: vague and general personality descriptions that people think are uniquely applicable to themselves without realizing that the same description could be applied to just about anyone, and

Confirmation Bias: which means that people tend to notice and give greater importance what confirms something, rather than what contradicts it.

You then explain that to test astrology to see if it works, you need to control for these two biases. The way to control for such biases is with the randomized double-blind test. Then you ask them: "if you were given your chart, and those of two other random people, and you weren't told which was yours, would you be able to pick out your own chart?" When they say yes, you ask them why no one is ever able to do this with a greater probability than pure chance (1 in 3).

The best example of such a test was performed by Shawn Carlson, and published in the journal “Nature”. The San Francisco chapter of the National Council for Geocosmic Research recommended the 28 professional astrologers who took part, and (with Carlson), designed the tests. Two tests were performed:

#1: Astrological charts were prepared for 83 subjects, based on natal data (date, time and place of birth), provided by the subjects. Each subject was given three charts: one chart based on their own natal data, and two charts derived from natal data of other people. Each subject was asked to identify the chart that most correctly described themselves. In 28 of the 83, the subject chose their own chart. This is the exact success rate expected for random chance. (The astrologers predicted that the subjects would select their own chart more that 50% of the time. )

#2: 116 subjects completed California Personality Index surveys and provided natal data. One set of natal data and the results of three personality surveys (one of which was for the same person as the natal data) were given to an astrologer who was to interpret the natal data and determine which of the three CPI results belonged to the same subject as the natal data. Out of 116 trials, the astrologers chose the correct CPI 34% of the time. This agrees with the random chance prediction of 1 of 3 trails producing a correct choice. (The astrologers predicted that they would select the correct CPI profiles in more that 50 per cent of the trials. )

Conclusion by Carlson:

"We are now in a position to argue a surprisingly strong case against natal astrology as practiced by reputable astrologers. Great pains were taken to insure that the experiment was unbiased and to make sure that astrology was given every reasonable chance to succeed. It failed. Despite the fact that we worked with some of the best astrologers in the country, recommended by the advising astrologers for their expertise in astrology and in their ability to use the CPI, despite the fact that every reasonable suggestion made by advising astrologers was worked into the experiment, despite the fact that the astrologers approved the design and predicted 50% as the "minimum" effect they would expect to see, astrology failed to perform at a level better than chance.

"I have not yet received a serious scientific challenge to the paper. The newsletter of the American Federation of Astrologers Network published a response in January (1986). I was very disappointed to see that it largely consists of personal attacks. Its few substantive criticisms are attributable to ignorance of the experiment, of the CPI, and of basic scientific methodology."

Source: Shawn Carlson - A Double-blind Test of Astrology, “Nature”, 318, 419, 1985

I ordered a back copy from "Nature" and keep photocopies of it on my coffee table. Great fun watching the believers ignore it.

Although this is only one test, whenever similar well designed, tests are performed, the results are the same. So I also have a printout of these tests as well.

As Claus points out, belief in this retarded garbage is so deeply ingrained it is hard getting anyone to look at facts such as these. But don't give up – some people are on the fence and will be persuaded. A friend of mine, who won't give up all of his woo woo beliefs, nevertheless completely "got it" when I told him that people tend to act up to their supposed astrological personality characteristics – ie they tend to use their astrological chart as an excuse to behave badly, rather than taking responsibility and perhaps changing something about themselves. That just pushed my friend's button. In conjunction with the "it doesn't work" tests, he now gets as irritated as I do with the astrology junkies.
One of my favorite things about astrology is that they refer to the Sun and the Moon as planets. It's always a pleasure to correct that error. :D

To be fair, I feel it's important to present the astrologers' views as well:

[Retarded devil's advocate mode]

HEY!!!! we can all see how much influense teh MOON haves on the oceons, yeah!!!! --- 70 per cent of the human buddy is water so any rartionel persons conclute that it has ALOT of influense on our lifes!!!!! - AND the planets are even BIGGER!!!!so they is off cause mpre improtant!!!!

your all cloceminded looserssss!!!!!

[/Retarded devil's advocate mode]
RichardR said:
Anyway, this is what you have to do. You have to explain that people think it works for two basis reasons, namely:

The Forer Effect: vague and general personality descriptions that people think are uniquely applicable to themselves without realizing that the same description could be applied to just about anyone, and

Confirmation Bias: which means that people tend to notice and give greater importance what confirms something, rather than what contradicts it.

Heh! Nice. I just used exactly that approach in an astrology debate on www.ghostvillage.com a few days ago. They didn't make any direct responses though, but informed me that astrology was still a good life guide, and then they started doing my horoscope.
Then they'll tell you all about fate, etc, etc ETC. So you come back with.... so if it's all predetermined, why do we need to concern ourselves with horoscopes, what will be will be, is, whatever?
Goshawk's horoscopes seem pretty typical of the newspaper type, which is to say they're most advice, not predictions. Go with the flow? Cheesy 70s advice, at that, not even current slang.

I like the zodiac printed on Chinese restaurant placemats. They're as accurate as anything else. Paraphrasing, one part says: "Courageous, thoughtful, witty, intelligent - recognize yourself? Weak, rude, unfunny, dim - must be somebody else!"
1. It definitely doesn't exist!
2. Only stupid gullible people believe in it who are inferior compared to skeptics!
3. Skeptics and scientists don't believe in it and we scoff!
4. Anything without conclusive proof is impossible! You can't have evidence for something that doesn't exist!
5. Science says no! But science says yes to skeptical materialist views which are in reality factual!
coalesce said:
Ask an astrologer to explain how it was that primitive peoples were able to differentiate the points up in the sky as being either planets, stars or whole galaxies--just with the naked eye?
Actually, that's pretty easy (planets and stars, at least), and probably marks the beginning of astronomy, along with observing moon phases. But then that's a whole lot different from linking the movement of such bodies to human events, but even then not so irrelevant. "Human events" once revolved almost entirely around the planting and harvesting of grain, and the seasonal positions of heavenly bodies were very informative to seasoned planters about when to do these things, considering their consistency and reliability. So as civilization progressed to the point that people had a little spare time from the fields, why wouldn't they think about other ways the heavenly bodies affected their lives?
Another argument that debunks astrology is this one:

Astrologers tell you that you must know your exact birth time (and place) for your chart to be accurate. They also tell you that astrology was formulated many hundreds of years ago.

But those two claims are mutually exclusive! At the time astrology was invented (or discovered) there weren't any accurate clocks around. How could the early astrologers check their charts for accuracy, when they only had a rough idea what time of day people were born?

Edit to add: on a clear night, I suppose they could have known the time by observing the stars - but what did they do when it was cloudy?
ceptimus said:
How could the early astrologers check their charts for accuracy, when they only had a rough idea what time of day people were born?

Also, the gregorian reform only came in the mid-1500's. Before that, people were increasingly a few days off. Are we assuming they all ignored the 'official' date and verified the position of the stars?

edit to add:

The first countries converted in 1582 losing 10 days, the last in 1919(!) losing 13, with a couple of other oddities - Sweden had a year with a february 30th in it, Spanish Netherlands didn't have a christmas in 1582, and the October revolution actually happened in November.
Nigel said:
Goshawk's horoscopes seem pretty typical of the newspaper type, which is to say they're most advice, not predictions. Go with the flow? Cheesy 70s advice, at that, not even current slang.

My wife used to read those daily horoscopes frequently (and would read me mine too!) One day I pulled out the previous day's paper (she hadn't read them that day) and read all twelve horoscopes in no particular order and asked her to pick out hers. It took her eight tries to get the right one, even knowing what had happened a couple of days. After a few times doing this, she sort of lost interest in her daily horoscope.
Tricky said:
My wife used to read those daily horoscopes...

Flung Shoey :roll:

Sorry - I'm still tellin that one.

(Don't tell your wife.)
My horoscope for today, 6 days later, is still pretty much the same...
Cultivate mutuality and understanding. You can improve the relationships.... Go with the flow. Be creative and sexy. Enjoy top notch professional entertainment.... Your genuine respect can have miraculous effects.... Be courageous, daring and sexy. Develop your sense of fair play.... Work to become simultaneously open-minded and focused.... The surprise factor is strong. Create an immediate burst of initiative. Get a new sense of proportion. Change your frame of reference.... Control of others does not bring you safety, success or satisfaction. Self-control and self-transformation is helpful.
I'm starting to wonder about the injunction to "enjoy top-notch professional entertainment". Does this astrologer have a beef with clumsy amateurs or something?
You guys must be reading the wrong astrologers. Mine is spot on:

Aries: (March 21—April 19)
Your infamous good-natured but ill-fated meddling in others' lives will reach its peak when you screw up a trilateral Asian trade agreement in the 11th hour.

(Courtesy Lloyd Schumner Sr., Retired Machinist and A.A.P.B.-Certified Astrologer, The Onion.)

Seriously, though, who's heard the argument about our fates only being affected by things we can SEE in the sky? I'm a little depressed that my fate can change based on the newest model of telescope.
It seems I don't believe in astrology because I'm a Virgo , however so is my wife and she does .
They tell us virgos should never marry each other since they will soon break up . 40 years now , so it's a bit overdue!
Thanks homer; there is hope for my wife and me. We were married on a vary unlucky day according to the numerologist in the family. Congratulations on your own marital longevity!

I not a Virgo, but Thomas the Apostle is my patron saint.
Get them to watch the Twilight Zone episode "Nick of Time" starring the great William Shatner. It will show them that even if astrology is correct (which of course it isn't), it is no way to live your life. Advice that only looks correct in hindsight is no advice at all.
RichardR said:
A friend of mine, who won't give up all of his woo woo beliefs, nevertheless completely "got it" when I told him that people tend to act up to their supposed astrological personality characteristics – ie they tend to use their astrological chart as an excuse to behave badly, rather than taking responsibility and perhaps changing something about themselves. That just pushed my friend's button. In conjunction with the "it doesn't work" tests, he now gets as irritated as I do with the astrology junkies.

Those who let themselves decieve by astrology may lack some basic ethics if their horoscope has told them to do so. But, they also expose themselves for critical dangers and further hoaxes in the same act. Imagine a couple of scenarios:

1) If a horoscope has told a beliver that she will meet the prince of her dreams at a certain week or month, even year, and that he will have blond hair and blue eyes. Then her ability to check any person with blond hair and blue eyes for foul characteristics will be at a minimum. This could be a rapist, a gangster or even a serial killer, and her future is therefore quite uncertain due to her faith in astrology.

2) If a guy reads a horoscope and it states that: 'Today is your big chance for making the business deal of a lifetime!'. Then what if this fella recieves a hoax email that claims, that if he place $500 at a bank account in Nigeria, he will recieve $100.000 within three months due to blah, blah, blah..

The ability to draw sensible conclusions is qute simply getting smaller the more you belive this astrology nonsense.

As Claus points out, the more fallacies you bombard these belivers with, the harder they will belive their pseudo-science, hence, the more dangerous they become to others and to themselves. So I stop the debate by default if I can sense that this just will make them stronger belivers. No need to make bad worse.


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