(Sorry, for some reason the Quote button didn't post your comments & a link back.)
I think that this needs a little modification:
Oystein said:
Otherwise, Gage and AE911Truth cite the following claims as
evidence of CD, even though they are not:
- Rapid onset of destruction[n],
To the unobservant, it DOES appear that the onset of destruction is very sudden, very rapid.
This is, of course, false. The buildings (WtC 1, 2 & 7) are undergoing slow internal (2 hour, 1 hour & 7 hour, respectively) & external (20 minute, 40 minute & 3 hours) degradation which, in each case, brings them all to the moment of collapse initiation.
But, once you reach that point, the transition from "burning but upright" to "collapsing" is sudden.
And, for the truthers, both of these "features" needs to be addressed.
First, there is never a slow progression towards collapse initiation is a real CD. (This is much stronger than "not necessarily a feature of a real CD. It is
wholly incompatible with a real CD.)
In a real CD, the building is solid. Less solid than before CD prep, to be sure, but still with a FOS > 1, to insure the safety of the work crews preparing CD.
From the time that the preparation is complete & the button is pushed, the building is in a static state.
The point is that, if the guy with his finger on the button chooses to not push the button for some reason, the moment of demo can be delayed as long as he wants.
In contrast, neither the towers nor WTC7 were in a static state prior to collapse initiation. Their progress to collapse was unstoppable.
We see progressive tilt of WTC2, progressive bowing of outer columns in both WTC 1 & 2, and progressive creep of WTC7 as shown by the FDNY's surveyor's transit on the external bulge (which gave them the forewarning that it was going to collapse).
But a key feature that Gage & other truthers keep harping on, and is truly false, is that the sudden transition from "creeping towards failure" to "the start of gross initial collapse" indicates that all the internal supports must be "blown" a the same instant.
The truthers think that the columns must be blown first, and then the collapse starts an instant later.
And this is false. The timing (& the logic) is backwards.
The truth is that sufficient columns have weakened enough to put the buildings on the very verge of collapse, and one last straw hits the camel's back.
At the point just before collapse initiation, the supports that have failed have done so, progressively, over a long period of time.
At the point just before collapse initiation, many of the supports are still intact, but not enough to resist the start of collapse. So the building starts to collapse.
And here is the key point that most people (& all truthers, including Gage) do not understand ...
... it is the start of collapse itself that fractures all the rest of the still-intact supports. THAT is why the gross collapse starts suddenly.
And this also explains why the falling components fell straight downwards, too.!!
If the supports continued to fail at a slower rate, instead of nearly simultaneously, then the building WOULD tilt to the side. Bazant showed why the columns could not support these moment loads, why they could not fail at a slower rate, and why the building had to fall nearly straight downwards, after a minimal tilt of the upper block.
So the real order of events is:
A subset of the columns fail slowly & progressively, leading up to the moment of collapse, then collapse begins, and then the rest of the columns fail nearly simultaneously.
There is a need to explain to people who don't understand why all those last pieces & parts fail at the same time.
The above explains it.