Tell me that you seriously don't believe this nonsense?
Sorry for not responding to your posts.
Well, apparently you are not sorry enough to exhibit the common courtesy to YET answer any of my questions. I've read your manifesto. I've read dozens of your posts. I recognize that you are the local whipping boy, a title well-earned in my estimation, and you are a bit overwhelmed answering lots of antagonists. But, again, after putting in several hours reading and digesting (no small task, that) your "analysis", I've pointed out numerous errors.
You MIGHT be so kind as to address my points. Instead of producing more smoke & mirrors like this post.
Good that you agree that 290 column stub ends will destroy the floors. It is actually 580 column stub ends involved! I broken column = two ends .
Yes, but - to a close approximation - 1/2 of them are hanging in air & don't contact anything. So you are back down to - exactly as I stated - "290 columns that impact cement."
The energy required to fracture only one column completely is considerable. Before that happens you have to bend the column so that it kneels, etc. You need energy for that too.
Please show me any significant percent (say, 30%, 50%, 75%) of "fractured columns" in the debris field. I am NOT talking about twisted end plates or pulled out screw holes. I am talking about truly deformed, i.e., pretzeled or "kneeled" columns. I went thru the hi-resolution images under a microscope, and found EXTREMELY few. The ones I found looked like they were NOT fractured as part of the disassembly, but rather had been mangled in the collapse debris. We are trying to capture the PRINCIPLE failure modes and energy sinks. That means correctly identifying the failure mode: which is NOT fractured columns. It is fractured bolts, sheared & torn welds, and fractured (not pulverized) concrete.
I saw no columns in the towers that showed signs of "kneeling". The only ones that bent & bowed & ultimately became unstable were in the fire zones. And you do NOT have to consider the energy in their bowing in the energy balance, because it happened before the collapse began. (You CAN consider it if you want to complicate your analysis. You do not HAVE to consider it.)
The ones that failed in the crush down did not have a chance to buckle, because their bolts & welds gave way first. They were not sufficiently constrained to buckle. This is UNCONTESTABLE. By the time a beam has truly buckled, it has gone thru massive plastic deformation. There was no massive residual plastic deformations in the columns. (In the trusses, yes.)
So what does these 580 column stub ends then do. Well at least 240 of them will not contact anything for obvious reasons! So they will not get entrapped in anything and will not be subject to any torque, etc.
OK, you're back down to my "290" approximation. And you may have noticed that the upper block did NOT slide down on linear bearings, missing everything on the way. It was a somewhat chaotic process, and YES, in fact they DID, ultimately, get subjected to torque.
Of the remaining 340 column stub ends 170 are really awful! They will destroy the upper part C floors! The part C that is rigid according NIST and Bazant & Co and that is not getting damaged. And where does the energy come from that destroys part C? Right, it is provided by part C + gravity.
Please explain EXACTLY why the 170 stub ends pointing upwards were "more awful" than the 170 stub ends that were pointing downwards.
Please explain to me why it is that you conclude that if several thousand tons of debris are going to be created on the 85th floor of ANY structure, the SIGNIFICANT damage that you are going to address is to the structure ABOVE that debris? Did no one point out to you in physics class that things have a very strong tendency to fall downwards?
Finally, you were right that the damage goes BOTH upwards & downwards. Bazant & NIST were "more right" in that your objection becomes moot after about 3-5 floors have collapsed, because the upper block ONLY will fill in with debris.
Why is it now that you turn your back on your own correct statement and assert something that is COMPLETELY and utterly wrong: that "the damage ONLY goes upwards". This is ludicrous. It is ludicrous no matter HOW the failure initiates. Thermite, thermate, termite or hack saw. Or damage, heat, creep & unanticipated load condition.
With these basic observations, you can then start real structural damage analysis.
I haven't seen any evidence of it yet.
Let's assume that negligible energy is required to slice apart 14 part C floors and the hat truss on top,
And you REALLY think that the top portion of the lower block A, with a jagged row of (relatively weak, at that height) vertical columns that has had their supports ripped apart, been bent over, is going to be able to somehow perform this Ginzu slicing & dicing?? And remain intact??
The answer is "Hell, no". You have conveniently (some have suggested "fraudulently") ignored the action of the upper column stubs perforating & destroying the Block A upper floor. This WILL happen, and the upper floor of Block A will NOT survive.
Now what happens?
what happens then? Well - part C is then sliced into two parts, one of which (two outer walls!) will drop to the ground.
Utter nonsense.
But I can assure you that part C cannot produce so much potential energy that it slices itself into two parts! So what happens then? Right! Part C gets stuck up on top of 170 column stub ends of part A.
I FIRMLY believe, although it is just an opinion, that if Block C were displaced to drop on the ground from 10' height, it WOULD disassemble itself. But that is irrelevant.
No, it ONLY gets stuck on top of part A IF AND ONLY IF Part A can survive the collapse of Part C.
Part A cannot. YOU have agreed (and it's true even if you subsequently choose to disagree) that the ONLY portions of Part A & C that need to be destroyed are small sections of the cement floor and a a bunch of small bolts & welds. This takes VERY little energy. As long as these components are destroyed, the top floor disassembles. If it disassembles, it will hold up NOTHING.
Actually, the damaged floors of both parts A and C get entangled into one another - FRICTION develops - and that's it. Destruction is arrested. NIST and Bazant & Co ignores FRICTION.
They do get entangled. Friction does develop. They become an agglomeration of debris.
And GRAVITY still works. The agglomeration FALLS. Because it is made out of the destroyed components of the ONLY thing that was capable of stopping its fall, the columns & cross trusses.
You fail to acknowledge that the ONLY thing that gives the structure its integrity is the cross trusses & flooring. This keeps the columns in alignment. As soon as those constraints are removed, the columns cannot even hold up their own weight, much less the loads of the rest of the building.
The 170 column stub ends of part C inside part A will then either rest against floors in part A or nothing - like the other 120 part C column stub ends on the outside of part A.
You see, it is impossible that a part of a structure (part C) can penetrate a bigger part of the same structure (part A) due to gravity alone and at say 0.7 g acceleration, leaving only 0.3 g*m force to plough throw the structure.
And this is what has me shaking my head in disbelief.
You are suggesting that a body that is descending at 0.7g can only impress a force of 0.3g*m on any object on which it lands??
Edited by Tricky:
Edited for civility
Are you suggesting, therefore, that something descending at 1g can only exert 0 lbs force anything on which it lands? That something accelerating downwards at 2g will impart a force of MINUS 1g*m?
Drop a weight onto you bathroom scale. Watch THE TRANSIENT. A 20 pound weight dropped from a height of about 4 feet will exert over 80 pounds on the scale that I probably just ruined. (The stiffer the spring, the higher the peak load.)
This is madness that you say this, and also claim that you are a Mechanical Engineer.
I understand why so many real experts in the USA shut up about this obvious fact. They have seen their colleagues being fired from the their jobs and thrown into the street when they point this out. It is like the German Democratic Republic 1949-1989! That's why I like Richard Gage and AE911truth.org so much. They have the guts to point out the obvious without fear. Join them!
Edited by Tricky:
Edited for civility. To summarize, tfk is unimpressed.
PS. Again, you might actually consider addressing some of the trivial, glaring errors in your "analysis" that I pointed out to you.