Adam has no defined claims, and how do you debate lies and fantasy? Explain what rational claims 911 truth has; then you can debate. There was no thermite, no explosives; What is Adam's claim? What has happened, Adam realized 911 truth is based on ignorance and opinions based on ignorance. This is 911 truth's evidence, BS. Now Adam will post his final work and run away, doing nothing for CD, thermite and high explosives, fantasy born in ignorance.@Adam Taylor, given that you have acknowledged Oystein's reasonable posting style
I really can't see any good reason why you wouldn't take him up on his offer of a one-on-one debate about the nano-thermite evidence. I'm assuming it would be a thread here or on Oystein's blog where only you and he would be able to post.
Please agree to do this debate Adam. It would be great to have two respectful, informed opposing views on this topic debating without having to dread the next '13 years of failure...why can't 911Truth do science?...etc, etc...' type posts from popping up.
Poor Adam can't do thorough rational research, and recycles failed claims born in ignorance. Adam's paper only help's Chris's debunking of 911 truth, and Adam has no clue, or he figured out 911 after 13 yeas of nonsense and is moving on. If 911 was an inside job it would have been people like Chris who blew the story wide open months after 911, not making lies and support idiots like Adam does after 13 years. What will Adam do about Flight 93, and Flight 77; what far out lies and BS will he spew on those topic; or is the rest of 911 too much to tie to a Single Integrated Operations Plan? Adam failed, he picked woo to support and can't debate, he can only Gish Gallop. Like the BS you present. When will you post your next idiot from Richard Gage's failed nuts video BS parade of woo? 13 years
Since no one in 911 truth has acted on the "overwhelming evidence" 911 truth claims to have; Adam is clear to team with a newspaper and break the story by and apply for the Pulitzer Prize, the one like Watergate. Where is the action in 911 truth, limited to idiots like the Boston bombers, 911 truth followers peers in woo? Adam's big chance to get the Pulitzer, are you going to help him break the big story.
How do you debate fantasy? How would you debate fantasy? Bigfoot?
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